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Re^5: REGEX omit dashes - simple but ...

by Marshall (Canon)
on Apr 04, 2016 at 17:53 UTC ( [id://1159531]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: REGEX omit dashes - simple but ...
in thread REGEX omit dashes - simple but ...

If you get the strings like you say are there, then you can use them as numbers. In Perl, you don't have to call a function to convert a string to a number, if that string is a number, you can just use it like one. Here I just added 10 to the "string" to show that feature. Of course once "$string" is a "number", leading zero'es are suppressed unless you use some kind of printf statement to add them back into the printout. A common idiom to suppress leading zeroes is $number_string+=0;
#!usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my @input = qw /0001144204-09-017358 0001144204-10-065610 0001042167-15-000175 0000053669-16-000051 /; foreach my $string (@input) { $string =~ tr/-//d; print "string = $string\n"; print "string +10 as number: ", $string + 10,"\n"; } __END__ prints: string = 000114420409017358 string +10 as number: 114420409017368 string = 000114420410065610 string +10 as number: 114420410065620 string = 000104216715000175 string +10 as number: 104216715000185 string = 000005366916000051 string +10 as number: 5366916000061
Update: I ran this on Win XP, 32 bit.
normally, 2,147,483,647 would be max int, but Perl 5.22 was able to get 104,216,715,000,185 from the addition.

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