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Why not Yet Another Perl Society?

by Indomitus (Scribe)
on Oct 03, 2001 at 02:54 UTC ( [id://116291]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm not sure where to post this since it isn't a code question so this seemed like a good place. If not, I'm new so please let me know.

I'm basically wondering if someone can tell me why 'Yet Another Society' isn't 'Yet Another Perl Society'? Seems like that would fit more with things like Yet Another Perl Conference and the like. Just wondering and I couldn't find anything useful on the YAS site or in any nodes here in the Monastery.

Edited by footpad, Wed Oct 3 02:48:10 2001

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Re: Why not Yet Another Perl Society?
by mirod (Canon) on Oct 03, 2001 at 03:14 UTC

    It is not named Yet Another Perl Society because... it is not. The scope of Yet Another Society is explicitely larger than just Perl. It started with Perl but it can and probably will encompass other areas of computer science.

    The definition of the society is: Yet Another Society is a non-profit, 501(3)(c) corporation for the advancement of collaborative efforts in computer and information sciences. You can find more about it here.

      Sheesh, I must have skipped right over that when I looked at the About page. I guess I was just confused by not seeing anything other than Perl on the site. Thanks a lot.

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