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Raspberry Pi wiringPi API wrapper releasedby stevieb (Canon) |
on Aug 16, 2016 at 19:06 UTC ( [id://1169852]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
I was going to hold off on announcing my new WiringPi::API distribution until my larger project that depends on it is done, but since it's CPAN day, well... The module wraps the majority of documented and undocumented functions in wiringPi. wiringPi is a set of C libraries that allow you to muck with a Raspberry Pi, it's GPIO pins, drive LCDs and many other things.You can import the C functions directly keeping their original names as is: ...import the renamed Perl functions: ...or use the module in the normal OO way:
Here's but a few of the features:
My larger project, RPi::WiringPi, which is currently in feature-freeze to give me time to finish unit tests and documentation, will take that much further, and make it much easier to do things. It should hit v1.00 (stable) within the next week. At that time, I'll make another announcement... I do have an initial basic howto written so far that covers some of the basics. Note that this distribution may not be stable until v1.00 is released. This was also posted here.
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