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Re: Online Tutorial To Get Started (Learning Perl References)

by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop)
on Sep 27, 2016 at 09:25 UTC ( [id://1172735]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Online Tutorial To Get Started

For getting started with Perl, see the links below:

From the documentation that ships with Perl:

Other getting started links:

Getting Started at Perl Monks

Recent Getting Started Nodes

Rosetta Code (Many Different Languages)

Extra Book References Added Later

Some book and other recommendations:

BTW chromatic gave some background on the philosophy behind his Modern Perl book in this thread:

Modern Perl assumes you're already decent at programming, so it elides some basic stuff in favor of explaining how Perl works from philosophy to programming in the large. Learning Perl assumes you've never programmed before, so it spends more time on the basics, covers less of the language, and doesn't explore the philosophy of Perl in as much detail.

See Also

Update: Added more references

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