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Re^4: Bad File Descriptor ( apache don't know how to spawn child process )

by Milti (Beadle)
on Oct 01, 2016 at 00:14 UTC ( [id://1173042]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Bad File Descriptor ( apache don't know how to spawn child process )
in thread Bad File Descriptor

As far as I can tell the file permissions are the same on all the cgi programs, i.e. everyone has the minimum of read & execute. I tried the different addressing suggested earlier and it didn't work. Same error message seemingly suggesting the #! was missing. The program being called in this case is one that retrieves data from a MySQL database. Another program which inserts data into the same database is executed when called and completes its task. That program has the same Shebang line as the one that fails. The programs are located in the same cgi-bin and have the same apparent permissions.

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Re^5: Bad File Descriptor ( apache don't know how to spawn child process )
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 01, 2016 at 00:28 UTC
    what happens if you rename the file? and starta, copy paste the contents into that?

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