Wasn't sure if this belongs here, or in Obfuscations.

Having once run:

use strict; use warnings; use Storable; my (%table); foreach my $i (0..9) { foreach my $j ($i..9) { $table{$i}{$j} = $table{$j}{$i} = $i + $j } } store \%table, 'addition_table';

I present to you: addition!

use strict; use warnings; use Storable; my %table = %{retrieve('addition_table')}; my @problem = @ARGV; my (%matrix); foreach my $number (@problem) { my $log = 0; push @{$matrix{$log++}}, $_ for reverse (split //, $number); } my $col = 0; while (exists $matrix{$col}) { my @column = @{$matrix{$col}}; my $first = shift @column; while(scalar @column > 0) { my $second = shift @column; $first = $table{$first}{$second}; if (length($first) > 1) { $first = substr($first,-1,1); push @{$matrix{$col + 1}}, 1; } } $matrix{$col++} = $first; } printf "%s",$matrix{$col - $_} for (1..$col); print "\n";
H:\perl>perl 1 1 H:\perl>perl 21 14 99 6 12 152 H:\perl>perl 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 1 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Addition tables for other number systems are left as an exercise for the (extremely bored) reader. Vaguely apropos of Multiply Hex values. I started to write a program to do multiplication and realized I needed to figure out how to add first.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NASB)