vikas330 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Monks,

I'm new to perl, so maybe I'm asking a simple perl script but for me its typical.

Please help me with a script for getting alerts on mail if FS utilization on machines exceeds 90% utilization and the output should be in tabular format.

I have the command to list all the FS having more than 80% utilization but I'm unable to print those outputs in a tabular format by writing perl script,

 $ssh $u@$i "df -P | /usr/bin/awk '0 + \$5 >= 80 {print}'" >> $FILE output to a file then I want to list all those FS with fields like

Server_Name FS_mount_point Utilization(in %)

and print all those in a mail in tabular format with fields like above. Thanks