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Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?

by Amphiaraus (Beadle)
on Feb 27, 2017 at 15:25 UTC ( [id://1182967]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Amphiaraus has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is both visual and interactive?

Some of our build servers have a 32-bit Windows OS, others have a 64-bit Windows OS. Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems?

Currently we debug our Perl scripts by using the "-d" debug option on the command line, to go through the Perl code line-by-line. However the command line option "perl -d", is text oriented, not visual, and is very cumbersome to use.

Is there a Perl IDE that can be downloaded free, and would provide a visual interactive mode that is less cumbersome than the "perl -d" command line mode?

I have studied the Perl IDEs "Padre" and "Perl Express". I found a webpage saying the "Padre" interactive mode has quit working. I found another webpage saying that "Perl Express" contains some bugs and has not been updated since December 2005.

Currently I am studying the "Netbeans" IDE, which is freeware, and which has a plugin making it compatible with Perl. For Netbeans see, for the Netbeans Perl plugin see Has anyone tried Netbeans + the Netbeans Perl plugin to debug Perl programs in a visual, interactive manner? Did it work successfully?

Our requirements are having a Perl IDE: a) That is visually oriented (instead of text-oriented like "perl -d"). b) Allows a Perl program to be run and debugged line-by-line, in an easy to understand visual display. c) Is Freeware. d) Is compatible with Windows OS 32-bit and Windows OS 64-bit

Is there an existing Perl IDE that can be downloaded free, that meets the requirements listed above? I need to download and test Perl IDE's on my home computer, not my work computer, so I can't do such testing at the moment

  • Comment on Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by choroba (Cardinal) on Feb 27, 2017 at 15:44 UTC
    You seem to confuse IDE and debugger (but yes, a debugger is usually part of an IDE).

    Concerning debuggers, have you tried Devel::hdb ? We used it at $job - 1 and I liked it a lot. It's not text oriented: it runs in your browser.

    ($q=q:Sq=~/;[c](.)(.)/;chr(-||-|5+lengthSq)`"S|oS2"`map{chr |+ord }map{substrSq`S_+|`|}3E|-|`7**2-3:)=~y+S|`+$1,++print+eval$q,q,a,
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by stevieb (Canon) on Feb 27, 2017 at 15:45 UTC

    For quite some time now, I've been using intelliJ IDEA as my IDE, with the Camelcade Perl5 Plugin, and Devel::Camelcadedb distribution, which provides full-blown, in-IDE debugging. (On a side note, I also use the IdeaVim plugin, because I can't code without vi/vim ;)

    32 and 64 bit support, and cross-platform (I use it on both *nix and Windows).

Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by pryrt (Abbot) on Feb 27, 2017 at 18:40 UTC

    Because of the way I learned Perl, I usually edit in my favorite text editor (vim in linux, Notepad++ in windows) and run in the command line, and debug using copious print statements. :-).

    But for Windows development, I have followed the advice of Notepad++ Integrated Perl Debugging and occasionally use Notepad++ as a front-end for interactive debug when my print-ing isn't sufficient. There are 32bit and 64bit versions of Notepad++, but the DBGP plugin is only available for the 32bit version. However, I successfully use the 32bit Notepad++ on 64bit Windows on a daily basis, and haven't found any problems. And that setup can call either my 32bit or my 64bit Strawberry Perl, whichever I point it to, so the bitness of the editor doesn't influence the choice in the bitness of the interpreter. But it's a quirky setup, so I wouldn't go so far as to "recommend" it -- I use it, but not always, so it's probably best to just list it as a potential, not the "best" or "recommended".

Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by Laurent_R (Canon) on Feb 27, 2017 at 17:51 UTC
    I am not using any IDE and usually not developing under Windows, but I think you might be interested in Eclipse (with EPIC and possibly other Perl add-ons).
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by VinsWorldcom (Prior) on Feb 27, 2017 at 18:42 UTC

    I'm not a developer by trade, but do all my Perl coding - whatever little there is - on Windows, with Strawberry. I use Notepad++ with a bunch of plugins including DBGp which originally was just for PHP debugging, but I hacked to support Perl. It works nicely for my use cases, may be a bit buggy, but it is FREE.

    You can find out more information here:

    UPDATE: pryrt beat me to it! Thanks for the plug.

Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by clueless newbie (Curate) on Feb 27, 2017 at 22:07 UTC
    Do you want an IDE or a debugger? If you want a debugger that visually oriented, there's Devel::ptkdb.
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by RonW (Parson) on Feb 27, 2017 at 20:23 UTC
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive? (Komodo & Emacs)
by LanX (Saint) on Apr 30, 2017 at 20:38 UTC
    Komodo IDE has a good and "visual" debugger integration, where you can interactively set breakpoints in source and step thru.

    Komodo Edit is the (limited) free version, I suppose it still has debuger integration.

    Emacs has by default similar debugger integration, but key oriented and less "visual" (i.e. you don't click buttons, see description, Screenshot. And it has more of a learning curve.

    In the end all IDE supports are just wrappers around the functionality of perldebug

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language and ☆☆☆☆ :)
    Je suis Charlie!


    should be noted that Komodo builds on XUL which IIRC Mozilla stopped developing further. I'm ignorant what this means for the future of Komodo.

Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by pritesh_ugrankar (Monk) on May 26, 2017 at 15:54 UTC


    This comment is way too late, and I am not sure if you are okay with Vim, but, there's a way to run gVim on Windows. You just need to install the plugins. Syntastic plugin highlights the errors as soon as you save the file. It's working fine for me. I can provide my github repo links to you in case you need it.

    Here's the link:

    Thinkpad T430 with Ubuntu 16.04.2 running perl 5.24.1 thanks to plenv!!
      I can provide my github repo links to you in case you need it.

      You could also share the links with everyone around. Just post the links.


      Today I will gladly share my knowledge and experience, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so". ;-)
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by gsd4me (Beadle) on Apr 30, 2017 at 19:43 UTC

    I have been looking for something similar as well very recently and failing consistently and miserably.

    I have tried Padre (couldn't get that to work AT ALL), KDevelop (no luck either), Geany (possibly wanted this but ...) The major problem I keep running into is that CPAN upgrades to various things (particularly Tk) keep failing, usually with "file or directory not found" in the batch install of CPAN Tk, so there is my huge source of frustration. I have tried ACtivePerl and Strawberry Perl with no degree of success. I would rather not install EPIC (it uses Java and I don't trust Java) so if you have had any luck please let me know! I am running Windows 10 on my laptop
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by ElAlx (Initiate) on Feb 28, 2017 at 21:30 UTC
    Hi, i use Padre, it would be installed with DWIM Perl , but there are some manuals about how to install it on strawberry perl. and for Strawberry
Re: Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is interactive?
by Anonymous Monk on May 27, 2017 at 11:27 UTC

    Is there a free IDE for Strawberry Perl, running in Windows, that is both visual and interactive?

    Is there any kind of Interactive Development Environment which isn't interactive?

    For that matter, is there any kind of IDE which isn't visual?

      The "i" in IDE is for Integrated, not Interactive

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