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Re^4: How to convert bunch of perl file + other dependent Input files Into a single executable

by rockyurock (Acolyte)
on Mar 02, 2017 at 10:23 UTC ( [id://1183384]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: How to convert bunch of perl file + other dependent Input files Into a single executable
in thread How to convert bunch of perl file + other dependent Input files Into a single executable

It's returning me 1.035
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Re^5: How to convert bunch of perl file + other dependent Input files Into a single executable
by marto (Cardinal) on Mar 02, 2017 at 10:36 UTC

    CPAN shows v1.036, you must be installing this via some other package manager (PPM?). The version you've installed is not built for the version of perl you have installed. They have to be the same, see rt://92352. To install build the live release against your current version of perl use the following from the command prompt:

    cpan pp

    If you're working on Windows make life easy for yourself by using strawberry perl, as it ships with a sane build environment, and a bunch of other useful things as standard. To install a C compiler and build tools for ActiveState do:

    ppm MinGW

    Then install via cpan as mentioned above.

      If I Install strawberry perl then Can I use the same build command to convert .pl into .exe as well ?

        The syntax of the pp command provided isn't specific to the version of perl. Your issue is being caused by some packaging problem with ActiveState. I've been using Strawberry since it was in alpha (or maybe beta) many years ago, and have never had any problems. I can only report that it's made life much easier for me when I have to work on Windows systems.

      I remember tried Installing pp with both CPAN and ppm. just now I also tried with CPAN again . but It's again giving me the same Error LN0v.exe: Perl lib version (5.24.1) doe sn't match executable 'perl.exe' version (5.24.0) at C:/Perl64/lib/ lin e 62.

        I just upgraded to Strawberry perl v 5.24.1, installed pp as described above and created a test executable use the method described above and all is well. I can't replicated this problem, the code runs as expected. I can't comment further unless you show more details of what you've tried (cpan/ppm commands, their output, module versions installed etc). How do I post a question effectively?.

Re^5: How to convert bunch of perl file + other dependent Input files Into a single executable
by marto (Cardinal) on Mar 02, 2017 at 10:26 UTC

    How did you install it? Please answer all questions asked.

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