in reply to Re^2: GD and LWP giving 500 errors
in thread GD and LWP giving 500 errors

more fancy

use strict; use warnings; print "content-type: text/plain\n\nTesting"; no warnings 'once' ; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent=3; use warnings; addin('Data::Dumper',1); addin('CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser)',1); addin('GD',1); addin('LWP::UserAgent',1); addin('x::x',1); sub addin_old { my $mod=shift; my $pre=shift; my %inc0=%INC; if ($pre) {print '<pre>'."\n";} eval 'use '.$mod.';' ; print 'eval use ERROR:'.$@."\n" if ($@); my %incnew=(); for my $k (keys %INC) { $incnew{$k}=$INC{$k} unless ($inc0{$k}); } print 'new to %INC from adding use '.$mod."\n"; print Dumper(\%incnew); if ($pre) {print '</pre>'."\n";} } sub addin { my $mod=shift; my $pre=shift; my %inc0=%INC; if ($pre) {print '<pre>'."\n";} eval 'use '.$mod.';' ; print 'eval use ERROR:'.$@."\n" if ($@); my %incnew=(); my $max=0; # this ends up as largest in %INC not largest that is new + , good nuf for my $k (keys %INC) { $max=length($k) if (length($k)>$max);} my $fmt=' %-'.$max.'s => %s'."\n"; print 'new to %INC from adding use '.$mod."\n"; for my $k (sort keys(%INC)) { printf $fmt,$k,$INC{$k} unless ($inc0{$k}); } if ($pre) {print '</pre>'."\n";} }
result (to term)
content-type: text/plain Testing<pre> new to %INC from adding use Data::Dumper $VAR1 = { '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'Data/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/Data/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'warnings/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/warnings/' }; </pre> <pre> new to %INC from adding use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser) $VAR1 = { 'ActivePerl/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/ActivePerl/' +, 'CGI/' => 'C:/Perl/site/lib/CGI/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'File/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/File/', 'File/Spec/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/File/Spec/', 'File/Spec/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/File/Spec/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/' }; </pre> <pre> new to %INC from adding use GD $VAR1 = { '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'GD/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/GD/', 'GD/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/GD/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'IO/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/IO/', 'IO/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/IO/', 'IO/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/IO/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/' }; </pre> <pre> new to %INC from adding use LWP::UserAgent $VAR1 = { 'Exporter/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/Exporter/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', 'HTTP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/HTTP/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'LWP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/LWP/', 'LWP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/LWP/', 'LWP/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/LWP/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'Time/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/Time/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', 'URI/' => 'C:/Perl/lib/URI/' }; </pre> <pre> eval use ERROR:Can't locate x/ in @INC (you may need to install th +e x::x module) (@INC contains: C:/Perl/site/lib C:/Perl/lib .) at (ev +al 11) line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 11) line 1. new to %INC from adding use x::x $VAR1 = {}; </pre>

Edit to add:

interesting there are two modules LWP and GD share

'' => 'C:/Perl/lib/', '' => 'C:/Perl/lib/',
addin('Config',1); addin('Fcntl',1);
below  addin('Data::Dumper',1); may identify your problem, but both are core

edit2: just noticed CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser) brought in Config, and that worked it seems

Edit 3: fixed addin so Dump::Dumper doesnt have to be the first one added, left old as addin_old but it can be deleted if ya want