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Re^8: global var

by tultalk (Monk)
on Apr 09, 2017 at 02:52 UTC ( [id://1187505]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^7: global var
in thread global var

No, Typ when I wrote it on comment. Did no "paste"

Change the #!/usr/bin/perlline to whatever you use for your other cgi scripts.

Also incuded already use lib qw(/home/jalamior/www/httpsdocs/cgi-bin/lib/perl);

2) Make sure the permissions are executable: They are

Check the line endings are UNIX format (if that's what they need to be) How to check globally??

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Re^9: global var
by poj (Abbot) on Apr 09, 2017 at 05:16 UTC

    What are you using to edit the scripts, Padre ? Which OS ?. Are scripts on lowesthosting server or your own localhost ?.

    If Padre, use View->Show Newlines. If they show CRLF then use Edit->Covert Line Endings-> EOL To Unix. They should now show LF.

      What are you using to edit the scripts, Padre ? Which OS ?. Are scripts on lowesthosting server or your own localhost ?.

      Vista,Padre and Notepad ++. Edit Notepad ++ check in Padre.

      Both lowesthosting and localhost. I gave up trying to test on local host Back and forth with the config to prevent links etc. going on line

      If Padre, use View->Show Newlines. If they show CRLF then use Edit->Covert Line Endings-> EOL To Unix. They should now show LF.

      Ugh. Every one is CRLF.

      Changed them all. No difference.

      Are the crlf from word wrap i Notepad ++? I had WR on for some specific text file I was printing.Did not thin the WR would apply to all files.

      <p? Thanks for input

        Changed them all. No difference.

        No difference to what ? Does the test script work when opened with browser. If not what error do you get

        Word wrap is just a viewing option, it has no effect on the file


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