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Re^3: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs

by zentara (Cardinal)
on May 30, 2017 at 18:47 UTC ( [id://1191618]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs
in thread Code plagiarism and clueless newbs

Hi, it isn't only computer science students cheating in school, they all are doing it. In fact, unless you come out of MIT or Cal Tech, most college grads are unqualified for any job. I saw it start when the universities began grading on curves, so that they could keep their student body levels high, and collect tuition. I've been in engineering classes where 95 % of the students got less than 50% on the final, yet they were passed with C's on the curve.

The colleges just don't want to flunk people out anymore. They encourage cooperating in groups, taking open-book tests, and just problem solving in general. Plagiarism is just part of that culture.

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. ..... an animated JAPH
  • Comment on Re^3: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs

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Re^4: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs
by Your Mother (Archbishop) on May 30, 2017 at 18:56 UTC

    ++ I saw a survey, probably 15 years ago already, of young adults and an IRRATIONALLY HIGH amount of them did not see cheating as immoral or problematic. I can’t remember if it was a full supermajority/quorum but it was a majority.

      I'm fairly certain most of the respondents to that survey only answered that way because they saw other respondents answering that way.

        You win this round… :P

      Bah, that's covfefe !!!

Re^4: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs
by LanX (Saint) on May 31, 2017 at 10:52 UTC
    One could think this might get fixed in job interviews...

    As a matter of fact I had once a skype interview with guys in San Francisco who were totally confused about my replies.

    They were obviously reading the questions from another display and the answer I gave wasn't listed.

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language and ☆☆☆☆ :)
    Je suis Charlie!


    next time I'll better offer an interface between our cheat apps

Re^4: Code plagiarism and clueless newbs
by 1nickt (Canon) on May 30, 2017 at 19:56 UTC

    You still haven't read the article, have you? It's about how the colleges do *not* tolerate code plagiarism, have software and other procedures to identify it, and penalize it. And my meditation is about the role that Monks here play in that process, not about grading on the curve, nor about giving away knowledge, nor about whether being a team player is more or less important than coding skills, nor about any other topic.

    In fact, unless you come out of MIT or Cal Tech, most college grads are unqualified for any job.

    As for that statement ... good example of how meaningfulness and hyperbole are in inverse proportion!

    The way forward always starts with a minimal test.

      From the article:

      Complicating matters is the collaborative ethos among programmers, which encourages code-sharing in ways that might not be acceptable in a class. Professors also frequently allow students to discuss problems among themselves, but not to share actual code, a policy that some students say creates confusion about what constitutes cheating.

      Yes, we are all about code reuse, don't reinvent the wheel, 98% of your application is already written and so forth, but there's a difference between citing and plagiarism, the latter being claiming ownership (or concealing someone else's ownership). And there is a blurred line between "doing someone's homework" and "giving private lessons" (or auxiliary classes) to enable proper homework doing.

      Writing tests is meant to be done unassisted. How can we tell whether the problems/tasks showing up in SoPW are meant to be solved with or without assistence? Is a complete solution beneficial, at all? The answers must be found again and again for each case, individually, without having a good basis for judgement.

      On a broader view, we all seek and find foreign solutions in our daily doing. Strange RADIUS behavior? Kernel Oops? Network problems? Google it! Take and use the work already done by others, if hunting this particular bug is way over your head.

      Quick, what is 13 * 16? 0xfe in decimal? Kids use calculators even for one-digit multiplications. We have externalized so many skills into devices and machines, that most people even don't know what skills they could aquire. In a predatory world driven by concurrency the one which most unscrupulously exploits resources wins in the short term. In the long term they remain poor.

      The fool makes himself tall to surmount others. The wise makes himself small to surmount himself.

      Becoming a fool or a wise person is (also) a personal choice, and there's little or nothing to do about that from the outside.

      perl -le'print map{pack c,($-++?1:13)+ord}split//,ESEL'

        That article states correctly that "plagiarism" (i.e. not re-inventing the wheel) is a skill to be developed. What it doesn't say is that "plagiarism" should be one in a set of skills that are used to get a task done, all of which are useless or dangerous in the hands of one who has not mastered -- has not bothered to, or tried to, or been required to master -- the fundamental skills of problem solving.

        In the situation I was addressing, wherein a student walks in here with an assignment and out of here with a "solution", having gained understanding of neither the question nor the answer, no skill is mastered other than a weaselly way to accelerate the Peter Principle. Therefore, I say again, responsible Monks should not facilitate this type of "plagiarism."

        The way forward always starts with a minimal test.

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