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Re: compare two files and print the differences of file 2 in a third file

by dbander (Scribe)
on Jun 14, 2017 at 07:37 UTC ( [id://1192764]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to compare two files and print the differences of file 2 in a third file

Your problem is in this line:

while ( my $line = < GOODFILE> ) {

Try using printto see what you're getting in $line:

while ( my $line = < GOODFILE> ) { chomp $line; print "GOODFILE line: '$line'\n";

Your error should be clear to you if you do this.

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Re^2: compare two files and print the differences of file 2 in a third file
by hopper (Novice) on Jun 15, 2017 at 20:45 UTC
    Thanks for taking time to take look at my code.
    I think you misunderstand my issues. The issues is that I have two files and each files has the multiple sections, and each section contents the description of it. The problem I am want to do is to compare two files and only print out the sections and subsection within that are not in file1 and save to the third file. So far, my code print out the diff(file2)of the sections that are not in file1 but it does not print out the subsections that belongs to the section.

    Please help me figure out what is the issues with my code.
    Thanks so much in advance.

      Your issue is that you are not reading GOODFILEproperly.

      You thanked me for taking the time to look at your code.
      I will now thank you to take the time to actually try the answer I gave you.

      Click on the spoiler link below to see what the problem is.

      I added a chompand printstatement after each of the while()statements, which is what I asked you to do.

      Here's what I get when I run the modified version of your script:

      Starting script Enter the GOOD file: GoodFile.txt Enter the BAD file: BadFile.txt GOODFILE line: 'GOODFILE' BADFILE line: 'Amimal, cat, 1, 4, YELLOW HAIR 3, HIGH 'this is a catt +t 1' BADFILE line: 'This section is the description of the animal bla bla +lbas.....bla bla lbas.....' BADFILE line: 'Amimal, cat, 3, 4, YELLOW LEG 3, HIGH 'this is a cattt + 1' BADFILE line: 'This section is the description of the animal bla bla +lbas.....bla bla lbas blaaaal........'

      Look closely at the line which shows what data you are "reading" from GOODFILE.
      Do you still think it is me who doesn't understand your problem?

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