Here's my second guess, using named pipes (fifos);
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Select;
use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
my $childcount = 3;
my $hasterminal = 1;
my %who;
my $fifodir = '/tmp';
for my $me (1 .. $childcount)
if( my $pid = fork ) # parent
$who{$pid} = $me;
elsif( defined $pid ) # child
my $mypath = "$fifodir/$$.fifo";
mkfifo( $mypath, 0700 ) or die "$! on making mypath";
open my $fifo, '+<', $mypath or die "$! opening $mypath";
my $sel = IO::Select->new($fifo);
$me == $hasterminal and $sel->add(*STDIN);
for my $handle ($sel->can_read)
defined( my $command = <$handle> ) or exit;
print "$$ got $command";
if( $command =~ /^(\d+)\s+(.*\n)/ )
my $otherpath = "$fifodir/$1.fifo";
if( -p $otherpath and open my $otherchild, '>', $otherpath )
print $otherchild $2;
close $otherchild;
warn "child $1 does not have a fifo\n";
die "fork failed with $!";
use Data::Dump 'pp'; pp \%who;
my $pid = wait; # on first exit, kill rest
print "$who{$pid} exited\n";
kill 15, keys %who;
unlink map "$fifodir/$_.fifo", keys %who;
print "$who{$pid} exited\n" while ($pid = wait) > 0;
Enter a pid followed by white space and a message, it will forward the message to that pid.
Example - enter:
25910 somemessage
to get
25908 got 25910 somemessage
25910 got somemessage
Of course, using your actual pids.