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Re^2: Child process inter communication

by marioroy (Prior)
on Jun 18, 2017 at 23:41 UTC ( [id://1193069]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Child process inter communication
in thread Child process inter communication

The demo scripts are based on the one found here. One makes use of MCE::Hobo + Inbox2. The other utilizing threads + Inbox4.

$ diff 5,6c5,6 < use MCE::Hobo; < use Foo::Inbox2; --- > use threads; > use Foo::Inbox4; 10c10 < my $inbox = Foo::Inbox2->new( @names ); --- > my $inbox = Foo::Inbox4->new( @names ); 34c34 < MCE::Hobo->create(\&foo, $_) for @names; --- > threads->create(\&foo, $_) for @names; 44c44 < MCE::Hobo->waitall; --- > $_->join() for threads->list();

Foo::Inbox2 via MCE::Hobo + MCE::Shared->queue example

use strict; use warnings; use MCE::Hobo; use Foo::Inbox2; use List::Util 'shuffle'; my @names = shuffle qw/ Barny Betty Fred Wilma /; my $inbox = Foo::Inbox2->new( @names ); my $index = 0; $| = 1; sub foo { my $name = shift; my $count = 0; # remove my name from the list @names = grep { $_ ne $name } shuffle @names; # send greeting to names on the list $inbox->send($name, \@names, 'Hello'); while ( my ($from, $data) = $inbox->recv($name) ) { printf "%-5s received %s from %s\n", $name, $data->[0], $from; # forward the message to another worker $inbox->send($name, $names[ ++$index % @names ], $data->[0]) if ( $from eq 'manager' ); } } MCE::Hobo->create(\&foo, $_) for @names; # Enter message or type quit to terminate the script. while ( my $msg = <STDIN> ) { chomp $msg; next unless ( length $msg ); $inbox->end(), last() if ( $msg eq 'quit' ); $inbox->send('manager', $names[ ++$index % @names ], $msg); } MCE::Hobo->waitall;

Foo::Inbox4 via threads + Thread::Queue example

use strict; use warnings; use threads; use Foo::Inbox4; use List::Util 'shuffle'; my @names = shuffle qw/ Barny Betty Fred Wilma /; my $inbox = Foo::Inbox4->new( @names ); my $index = 0; $| = 1; sub foo { my $name = shift; my $count = 0; # remove my name from the list @names = grep { $_ ne $name } shuffle @names; # send greeting to names on the list $inbox->send($name, \@names, 'Hello'); while ( my ($from, $data) = $inbox->recv($name) ) { printf "%-5s received %s from %s\n", $name, $data->[0], $from; # forward the message to another worker $inbox->send($name, $names[ ++$index % @names ], $data->[0]) if ( $from eq 'manager' ); } } threads->create(\&foo, $_) for @names; # Enter message or type quit to terminate the script. while ( my $msg = <STDIN> ) { chomp $msg; next unless ( length $msg ); $inbox->end(), last() if ( $msg eq 'quit' ); $inbox->send('manager', $names[ ++$index % @names ], $msg); } $_->join() for threads->list();

Regards, Mario

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