package Pm::Redir; #/ # Client Redirections #/ use strict; use warnings; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use URI::Escape; use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); use Pm::Bc_chef qw(cookie_set); use Pm::Html qw(display_debug_one display_debug_many display_debug_code display_debug_large pre_html_header ); # i'm not using :debug cuz that don't work either! $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( _tests redir redir3 error_redir notice_redir ); ############################## sub redir($$) { #* # redirects a client browser to a specified URL (may include a msg) #* my ($url, $msg) = @_; # a url to redirect to && a msg my $html = pre_html_header(); $html =~ s/content-type\: text\/html\n\n//i; if ($msg) { $html .= "status: 302 $msg\n"; } else { $html .= "status: 302 redir ok\n"; } $html .= "location: $url\n\n"; return $html; # a scalar #usage print redir("/", "invalid page"); } ############################## sub redir3($$$) { #* # redirects a client browser to a specified URL (may include a msg) # can add a cookie to the redirect (for errors or msgs or other things you deem necessary) # this is NOT version 3 of the redir command. it's a 3 param command! #* my ($url, $msg, $type) = @_; # a url to redirect to && a msg && a msg type ('e' or 'n', or whatever else you like) my $html = ""; if ($type) { $html = cookie_set($type, $msg, 0); } my $html .= pre_html_header(); $html =~ s/content-type\: text\/html\n\n//i; $msg = uri_escape($msg); $html .= "status: 302 $msg\n"; $html .= "location: $url\n\n"; return $html; # a scalar #usage: print redir3("/", "Access Denied by redir3", 'e') } ############################## sub error_redir($$) { #* # redirects a client browser to a specified URL (may include a msg) # adds an 'error' cookie to the redirect #* my ($url, $msg) = @_; # a url to redirect to && a msg my $html = redir3($url, $msg . " by?", 'e'); return $html; # a scalar #usage: print error_redir("/", "you must subscribe to access this area"); } ############################## sub notice_redir($$) { #* # redirects a client browser to a specified URL (may include a msg) # adds a 'notice' cookie to the redirect #* my ($url, $msg) = @_; # a url to redirect to && a msg my $html = redir3($url, $msg, 'n'); return $html; # a scalar #usage: print notice_redir("/', "file updated!"); } ############################## sub _tests(;$) { #* # to test all Pm::Redir functions #* my ($extended) = @_; # show extended data (optional) my $rv = ""; my $loggedin = cookie_get("loggedin"); my $test = ""; my $test2 = ""; my $test3 = ""; my $db = sql_connect("ns.db"); if ($db) { $test = "/"; $test2 = "Test Redirection"; $test3 = "n"; $rv .= display_debug_code("error_redir(\"$test\", \"$test2\")", error_redir($test, $test2)); $rv .= display_debug_code("notice_redir(\"$test\", \"$test2\")", notice_redir($test, $test2)); $rv .= display_debug_code("redir(\"$test\", \"$test2\")", redir($test, $test2)); $rv .= display_debug_code("redir3(\"$test\", \"$test2\", \"$test3\")", redir3($test, $test2, $test3)); } else { $rv .= "DB connection error!
\n"; } return $rv; # a scalar of the results of all tests #usage: print _tests(); } ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## ############################## 1;