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Re: google style best nodes list

by Indomitus (Scribe)
on Oct 19, 2001 at 04:07 UTC ( [id://119840]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to google style best nodes list

Yes, you would be a bad person. :) Who says that posting stuff like this would get you downvoted? This is a very valid question and an interesting one. Plus, who cares if you get downvoted, just post more interesting questions. As long you post a question like this to the correct part of the Monastery you should be all set.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: google style best nodes list
by mandog (Curate) on Oct 19, 2001 at 04:51 UTC
    Sibling Indomitus writes:
    Who says that posting stuff like this would get you downvoted? This is a very valid question and an interesting one.

    Actually, I'm concerned w/ getting up voted... I'm sorta using my XP as a personal gauge of my Perl progress. Stuff like this doesn't really reflect that progress. I suppose related questions would be:

    How about subtracting XP from yourself?

    How about turning off XP accumulation for a period of time?

    The later might be useful before some real world deadline...

    email: mandog

      The solution is simple and doesn't require creating an additional account. If you don't want your XP muddied, post to those areas as Anonymous.

      You're entitled to your views on XP. I like think of XP as a very rough estimate of an individuals contributions to the PM community as a whole, not just a part of it.

      "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." -- Albert Einstein

        A problem for me with posting anonymously is that I think that it is important to accept responsibility for my words.

        email: mandog

        A problem with posting anonymously and saying it is me is that I could also post anonymously and say it was you...

        email: mandog

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