This is the first implmentation of HollyGame, it is a framework underneath e.g. SDL 1.2 in my code or or buildable with SDL 1.2 or cairo 1.2 or 2.x. If I debug it, it will try to host it on CPAN

### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Box; sub Box { my ($class) = shift; my $self = { $x => shift, $y => shift, $w => shift, $h => shift }; return bless $self, $class; } sub is_collision { my ($self, $box) = shift; if ($box->{x} < $self->{x}) return 0; if ($box->{x} + $box->{w} > $self->{x} + $self->{w}) return 0; if ($box->{y} < $self->{y}) return 0; if ($box->{y} + $box->{h} > $self->{y} + $self->{h}) return 0; return 1; } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Enemy; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Sprite"; sub Enemy { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, class; $self = $self->SUPER::Sprite(shift,shift,shift,shift); ### fill it with subclass my $self->{$box => Box->new{$x,$y,$w,$h}}; my $self->{$imagelibrary => ImageLibrary->new}; my $self->{$app} = shift; return $self; } sub draw { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } sub update { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Exit; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Box"; sub Exit { my ($class) = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self = $self->SUPER::Box{shift,shift,shift,shift}; return bless $self, $class; } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Game; sub Game { my $class = shift; my $self = { $room = shift; $app => shift }; bless $self, $class; if (defined($app)) { $self->set_SDL_App($app); } } sub set_SDL_app { my ($self, $app) = shift; $self->{$app} = shift; } sub gameloop { my ($self) = shift; ### subclass responsability } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use SDL; ###use SDL::TTFont; use SDL::Surface; use SDL::Rect; use SDLx::App; package HollyGame::GameExample; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Game"; sub GameExample { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $app = new SDLx::App( -title => "Perl Game", ###-icon => "", -width => 800, -height => 600); $self = $self->SUPER::Game(shift,$app); $self->{screenrect} = new SDL::Rect -width => 800, -height => 600; $self->{font} = new SDL::TTFont ( -proto => $proto, -name => "Times New Roman", -size => 12 ); $self->{room} = MapRoomExample->MapRoomExample; $self->{player} = PlayerExample->PlayerExample; } sub gameloop { my ($self) = shift; ### subclass responsability my $gameover = 0; while (!$gameover) { $event = SDL::Event->new(); $event->wait(); if ($event->type() == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { $gameover = 1; } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_LEFT) { } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_RIGHT) { } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_UP) { } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN) { } $self->{room}->update(); $self->{room}->draw(); $self->{app}->flip; } } } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use SDL; use SDL::Surface; package HollyGame::Image; our @ISA = "SDL::Surface"; sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = {-name => shift, @_ }; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } 1; ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::ImageHandle; sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { $image => shift, @_ }; bless ($self, $class); } sub get { return $image; } sub set { my ($self, $image) = shift; $self->{$image} = $image; } 1; ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::ImageLibrary; sub ImageLibrary { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { stack => (), ptrh => 0, index => -1, @_ }; bless ($self, $class); } sub push { my ($self, $element) = @_; push ($self->{stack}, $element); $self->{ptrh}++; return 0; } sub pop { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{stack}[$self->{ptrh}--]; } sub index { my ($self, $idx) = shift; return $self->{stack}[$idx]; } sub get { my ($self) = shift; if ($index >= length($self->{stack})) { $index = 0; } return $self->{stack}[$index++]; } 1; ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::MapRoom; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Room"; sub MapRoom { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self = $self->SUPER::Room; $self->{@exits} = (); return bless $self, $class; } sub add_exit { my ($self, $exit) = shift; push (@exits, $exit); } sub collide_exit { my ($self, $box) = shift; return $box->is_collision($self); } } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::MapRoomExample; our @ISA = "HollyGame::MapRoom"; sub MapRoom { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self = $self->SUPER::MapRoom; $self->{@exits} = (); return bless $self, $class; } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Player; sub Player { my ($class,$x,$y,w,$h) = shift; ### fill it with subclass my $self = { $box => Box->Box{$x,$y,$w,$h}, $dx => 0, $dy = 0, $dxy = 0, $leftimagelibrary = ImageLibrary->ImageLibrary; $rightimagelibrary = ImageLibrary->ImageLibrary; $upimagelibrary = ImageLibrary->ImageLibrary; $downimagelibrary = ImageLibrary->ImageLibrary; }; bless $self, $class; } sub move { my ($class,$ddx,$ddy,$ddxy) = shift; $self->{$dx} = $ddx; $self->{$dy} = $ddy; $self->{$dxy} = $ddxy; $self->{x} += $self->{dx}; $self->{y} += $self->{dy}; } sub draw { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } sub update { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::PlayerExample; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Player"; sub PlayerExample { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $self = $self->SUPER::Player; $self->$app = shift; my $image1 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image2 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player2.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image3 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player3.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; return $self; } sub update { my $self = shift; } sub draw { my $self = shift; my $image = $imagelibrary->get; $image->blit($screenrect, $self->{app}, $screenrect); } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Room; sub Room { my $class = shift; my $self = { @boxes => (), @sprites => (), @enemies => () }; return bless $self, $class; } sub update { my $self = shift; foreach my $sprite (@sprites) { $sprite->update($self); } foreach my $enemy (@enemies) { $enemy->update($self); } } sub draw { my $self = shift; foreach my $sprite (@sprites) { $sprite->draw($self); } foreach my $enemy (@enemies) { $enemy->draw($self); } } sub add_sprite { my ($self, $sprite) = shift; push (@sprites, $sprite); } sub add_enemy { my ($self, $enemy) = shift; push (@enemies, $enemy); } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::Sprite; sub Sprite { my ($class,$x,$y,w,$h) = shift; ### fill it with subclass my $self = { $box => Box->Box{$x,$y,$w,$h}, $imagelibrary = ImageL +ibrary->new }; bless $self, $class; } sub draw { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } sub update { my $self = shift; ### subclass responsability } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. package HollyGame::SpriteExample; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Sprite"; sub SpriteExample { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $self = $self->SUPER::Sprite(shift,shift,shift,shift); $self->$app = shift; my $image1 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/larrysprite1.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image2 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/larrysprite2.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image3 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/larrysprite3.jpg"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; $self->{screenrect} = new SDL::Rect -width => $self->{box}->{w}, - +height => $self->{box}->{h}; return $self; } sub update { my $self = shift; $self->{x}++; } sub draw { my ($self) = shift; my $image = $imagelibrary->get; $image->blit($screenrect, $self->{app}, $screenrect); }

Now follows an implementation of the game Wycadia based on the above code :

### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use lib "../../HollyGame"; use Sprite; package Wycadia::Aldhebrand; our @ISA = "HollyGame::Player"; sub Aldhebrand { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $self = $self->SUPER::Player; $self->$app = shift; my $image1 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player.jpg"); $self->{leftimagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image2 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player2.jpg"); $self->{rightimagelibrary}->push{$image2}; my $image3 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player3.jpg"); $self->{upimagelibrary}->push{$image3}; my $image4 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/player3.jpg"); $self->{downimagelibrary}->push{$image4}; return $self; } sub update { my $self = shift; } sub draw { my $self = shift; my $image = $imagelibrary->get; $image->blit($screenrect, $self->{app}, $screenrect); } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use lib "../../HollyGame"; use Sprite; package Wycadia::ButterflySprite; our @ISA = "Sprite"; sub ButterflySprite { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $self = $self->SUPER::Sprite(shift,shift,shift,shift); $self->$app = shift; my $image1 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/ +g"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; my $image2 = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/ +g"); $self->{imagelibrary}->push{$image1}; $self->{screenrect} = new SDL::Rect -width => $self->{box}->{w}, - +height => $self->{box}->{h}; return $self; } sub update { my $self = shift; $self->{x}++; } sub draw { my $self = shift; my $image = $imagelibrary->get; $image->blit($self->{screenrect}, $self->{app}, $self->{screenrect +}); } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use lib "../../HollyGame"; use Maproom; package Wycadia::MapRoom; our @ISA = "MapRoom"; sub MapRoom { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self = $self->SUPER::MapRoom; $self->{exits} = (); my $self->{app} = shift; $self->{background} = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"./images/morningglo +ry-800x600-1.jpg"); push ($self->{sprites}, ButterFlySprite($self->{app})); return bless $self, $class; } sub draw { my ($self, $app) = shift; $self->{background}->blit($screenrect, $app, $screenrect); $self->SUPER::draw; } ### Copyright (C) The Holy Ghost 2017 ###This program is released under the GPL 3.0 and artistic license 2.0 +. use SDL; ###use SDL::TTFont; use SDL::Surface; use SDL::Rect; use SDLx::App; use lib "../../HollyGame"; use Game; package Wycadia::WycadiaGame; our @ISA = "Game"; sub Game { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my $app = new SDLx::App( -title => "Perl Game", ###-icon => "", -width => 800, -height => 600); $self = $self->SUPER::Game(shift,$app); $self->{screenrect} = new SDL::Rect -width => 800, -height => 600; $self->{room} = MapRoomMorningGlory->MapRoomMorningGlory($app); + $self->{Aldhebrand} = Aldhebrand->Aldhebrand($app); $self->{font} = new SDL::TTFont ( -proto => $proto, -name => "Times New Roman", -size => 12 ); } sub gameloop { my ($self) = shift; ### subclass responsability my $gameover = 0; while (!$gameover) { $event = SDL::Event->new(); $event->wait(); if ($event->type() == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { $gameover = 1; } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_LEFT) { $self->{Aldhebrand}->move(-1,0,0); } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_RIGHT) { $self->{Aldhebrand}->move(1,0,0); } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_UP) { $self->{Aldhebrand}->move(0,-1,0); } if ($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN) { $self->{Aldhebrand}->move(0,1,0); } $self->{room}->update(); $self->{room}->draw($self->{app}, $self->{screenrect}); $self->{app}->flip; } } }