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Re: A couple of ideas for dealing with votebots

by data64 (Chaplain)
on Oct 21, 2001 at 02:37 UTC ( [id://120324]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to A couple of ideas for dealing with votebots

Here's a slightly different idea.

For all PM users below monk level, each post that has reputation >= 0 will provide 10 votes. There will be no daily quota of votes. Votebots do not usually post meaningful nodes, hence those accounts would not get any votes.

Monks and levels above that should continue getting their daily quota of votes as reaching this level means you have gained some level of trust and are not expected to be be running votebots.

  • Comment on Re: A couple of ideas for dealing with votebots

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Re: Re: A couple of ideas for dealing with votebots
by mischief (Hermit) on Oct 21, 2001 at 19:53 UTC

    I'm not sure if requiring people to post to be able to vote is such a good idea; some people either don't want to post (and just lurk, but still contribute by voting) or there's nothing for them to post about, so they'd end up posting rubbish just to get their votes (for example, I didn't post for three or four months after registering for both these reasons.) Also, I think this might be fairly easy to get round, by just preparing a set of "generic" posts that could be used (maybe pulling random old nodes from SOPW that everyone's forgotten about and altering them slightly?).

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