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Obtaining old versions of Perl

by nysus (Parson)
on Dec 08, 2017 at 03:55 UTC ( [id://1205145]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

nysus has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Out of curiousity, I did a quick Google search on "download 'perl 4'" and came up empty-handed. I'm figuring true comp-sci nerds would want hands on experience with earlier versions of Perl and so I have to imagine someone has got some method for running really ancient versions of Perl. Anything out there?

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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Obtaining old versions of Perl -- Perl 1.0
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Dec 08, 2017 at 08:51 UTC

    Perl 4? Why not go all the way back to the 1987? You should be able to build Perl 1.0 from source on modern machines.

    Found Perl 1.0_16 by Richard Clamp along with a hacker news story. This old p5p thread describes Richard's motivation for creating Perl 1.0_16 in Dec 2003. Also found an old Perl monks node from 2007: Does somebody have a PERL 0 (or 1.0) code

    I was able to build Richard Clamp's perl-1.0_16 on a recent Linux box with just one hack to perl.h (added the #if 0 below to silence a compile error):

    #if 0 #ifdef CHARSPRINTF char *sprintf(); #else int sprintf(); #endif #endif

    Though primitive, it seemed to kinda work, at least this sanity test program worked fine:

    print "hello world\n"; $x = 5; if ($x == 5) { print "x is 5\n"; } if ($x eq '5') { print "x is '5'\n"; }
    If you attempt anything fancy (like use strict) it lets you know with the helpful error message "Memory fault". :)

    See also gunie, by Allison Randal, an implementation of Perl 1.0 written in Go (which includes the original Perl 1.0 test suite).

    Note that Perl 1.0 was officially released on 18 December 1987 (as mentioned in this quiz).

    Update: See also: modern perl 1.0 by cognominal (Oct 2021). BTW, I wonder if cognominal is a new incarnation of stefp.

    ... and a few more refs from that thread:

      Cognominal is indeed the not so new incarnation of stefp. I wanted to figure out the conceptual trajectory from Perl 1.0 to Raku and beyond. For an even larger narrative arc, see Having it both ways.

Re: Obtaining old versions of Perl
by huck (Prior) on Dec 08, 2017 at 04:34 UTC
      You can download previous versions of Perl - Old Perl
Re: Obtaining old versions of Perl
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 08, 2017 at 06:34 UTC
Re: Obtaining old versions of Perl (CPAN)
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 08, 2017 at 09:02 UTC

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