in reply to DBIx::Class Build a Where Clause with multiple ORs and ANDs

I was successful able to produce this Where Clause:
( sent_email is NULL OR sent_email='0000-00-00');
using this snippet of code:
sent_email => {'!=', undef }, sent_email => {'!=', '0000-00-00

Are you sure, the code logic is NOT equal ? Try

my @proc_requests = $schema->resultset( 'TblRequests' )->search({ -or =>[ status => 'Review' , -and => [ -or => [ status => 'Offered', status => 'Denied', status => 'Cancelled', status => 'Conditional Offer', ], -or => [ sent_email => {'=', undef }, sent_email => {'=', '0000-00-00'}, ] ], ], }, { join => 'p' } );