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Re: ftpsync

by maj12 (Novice)
on Oct 24, 2001 at 01:16 UTC ( [id://120916]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to ftpsync

I got this code to work when the remote dirs and files
dont exist but as soon as I try to overwrite files that
are already there, it fails with:

cant put /var/www/accucaps/data/test.cgi, data/test.cgi: Bad file desc +riptor at ./ line 121.<br>

Here's my edited sub:

sub checknew ($) { my $localfile = join ( "", $home, @_ ); foreach my $myfiles(@_) { $myfiles=~s/^\///; } if ( -e $localfile && -f $localfile ) { # local file is new, rmt file doesn't exist..transfer $ftp->put( $localfile, @_ ) or die "cant put $localfile, @_: $ +!"; print "ADDED_FILE: @_\n"; $new++; $unchanged--; return 0; }

What gives?

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