If you don't want to use
eval for security purposes, write a parser.
Marpa::R2 is a module that can help you with that:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
use Marpa::R2;
my $dsl = << '__DSL__';
:default ::= action => ::first
lexeme default = latm => 1
Exp ::= Term
| Exp (disj) Term action => disj
Term ::= Factor
| Term (conj) Factor action => conj
Factor ::= Atom
| Negation
| Bracketed
Bracketed ::= (lbra) Exp (rbra)
Negation ::= (excl) Factor action => neg
Atom ::= true action => true
| false action => false
true ~ 'T'
false ~ 'F'
excl ~ '!'
conj ~ '&&'
disj ~ '||'
lbra ~ '('
rbra ~ ')'
ws ~ [\s]+
:discard ~ ws
sub true { 1 }
sub false { 0 }
sub neg { ! $_[1] }
sub conj { $_[1] && $_[2] }
sub disj { $_[1] || $_[2] }
my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({source => \$dsl});
my $input = '((T) || (!(T))) && !(F && F && F && F && ! (T))';
my $value = ${ $grammar->parse(\$input, 'main') };
say $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
($q=q:Sq=~/;[c](.)(.)/;chr(-||-|5+lengthSq)`"S|oS2"`map{chr |+ord