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Re^2: Can I get some rules help with PARSE::RECDESCENT

by DevM (Initiate)
on Mar 15, 2018 at 19:14 UTC ( [id://1210987]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Can I get some rules help with PARSE::RECDESCENT
in thread Can I get some rules help with PARSE::RECDESCENT

Ok, thanks to 7studs example I have had some success with this version of the parser.

################################################################### use strict; use warnings; $::RD_HINT=1; use Data::Dumper; #use autodie; use Parse::RecDescent; my $grammar =<<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use Data::Dumper; } startrule: expr { print "startrule:"; print Dumper(\@item); $return = \@item; } expr: operand(s) { print "expr rule:"; print Dumper(\@item); my $result = $item[1]; print 'Inside expr rule: $result='; print Dumper($result); $return = $result; } operand: /and|or/i { print "operand and/or:"; print Dumper(\@item); $return = lc($item[1]); } operand: /not/i { print "operand not:"; print Dumper(\@item); $return = [lc($item[1])]; } operand: '(' expr ')' { print "operand rule:"; print Dumper(\@item); $return = $item[2]; } | term { $item[1] } term: /[\w\s=><\/:"'\*_]+/ END_OF_GRAMMAR my $input = "(cvtype='problem') and ((problem_description match '*') a +nd (((problem_synopsis match 'FCSIM') or (problem_synopsis match 'ATT +E')) OR not ((create_time>time('06/01/2014 0:00:00')) and (create_tim +e<time('09/30/2014 0:00:00')))))"; #my $input = "(cvtype='problem') OR not (problem_description match '*' +)"; print "Text: $input\n"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar); my $result = $parser->startrule($input) or die "Could Not Parse!\n"; print "\n\nresult:"; print Dumper $result;

The results look almost exactly like what I was hoping for:

result:$VAR1 = [ 'startrule', [ [ 'cvtype=\'problem\'' ], 'and', [ [ 'problem_description match \'*\'' ], 'and', [ [ [ 'problem_synopsis match \'FCSIM\'' ], 'or', [ 'problem_synopsis match \'ATTE\'' ] ], 'or', 'not', [ [ 'create_time>time', [ '\'06/01/2014 0:00:00\'' ] ], 'and', [ 'create_time<time', [ '\'09/30/2014 0:00:00\'' ] ] ] ] ] ], $VAR1 ];

My only complaint is that 'not' and 'and/or' are on the same level. I really want 'not' to be of higher precedence than 'and/or'. Hopefully making the output look like this:

result:$VAR1 = [ 'startrule', [ [ 'cvtype=\'problem\'' ], 'and', [ [ 'problem_description match \'*\'' ], 'and', [ [ [ 'problem_synopsis match \'FCSIM\'' ], 'or', [ 'problem_synopsis match \'ATTE\'' ] ], 'or', [ [ 'not', ] [ [ 'create_time>time', [ '\'06/01/2014 0:00:00\'' ] ], 'and', [ 'create_time<time', [ '\'09/30/2014 0:00:00\'' ] ] ] ] ] $VAR1 ];

I have tried to make a callback to expr. But that cuts the run short. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.


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