in reply to Setting format in Excel using perl

Show the relevant part of your code. Which module do you use to generate the Excel file?


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Re^2: Setting format in Excel using perl
by jsuresh (Acolyte) on Apr 06, 2018 at 12:13 UTC

    This is one of the formats I used

    my $format1=$workbook->add_format(); $format1->set_bold(); //query my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1); $sth1->execute(); # write the data into worksheet my $row1=1; while(my @field=$sth1->fetchrow_array){ my $arr_ref=\@field; $worksheet1->write_row($row1,0,$arr_ref); $row1++; }

    2018-04-11 Athanasius added code tags