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Re: Problem enumerating a foreach loop using Win32::OLE->GetObject

by hexcoder (Curate)
on Apr 12, 2018 at 16:15 UTC ( [id://1212740]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Problem enumerating a foreach loop using Win32::OLE->GetObject

Hello t_rex_joe,

I have not used module Win32::OLE myself, but from reading the documentation in seems to be a function from the module, that delivers a list of from a given collection object.

From the module documentation:


If COLLECTION is an OLE collection object then in $COLLECTION returns a list of all members of the collection. This is a shortcut for Win32::OLE::Enum->All($COLLECTION). It is most commonly used in a foreach loop:

foreach my $value (in $collection) { # do something with $value here }

So, there is no new foreach loop syntax, just an imported function in. Hope this helps a bit, hexcoder

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Re^2: Problem enumerating a foreach loop using Win32::OLE->GetObject
by t_rex_joe (Sexton) on Apr 12, 2018 at 18:52 UTC

    Thanks for the info.

    The hang is caused by the reading of the collection
    $val = Win32::OLE::Enum->All($col) or $ok = 0;

    Here is where the script locks/hangs.

    I have tried to eval and alarm. Nothing is breaking
    out if the commands hangs.
    eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { warn "ALARM FOR GET EXEC QUERY: \"$quer +y\" L: \"" . __LINE__ . "\" F: \"" . __FILE__ . "\"\n" }; # NB: \n re +quired alarm 5; $val = Win32::OLE::Enum->All($col) or $ok = 0; alarm 0; }; if($@) { $ret = $@; print "ERR: \"$ret\"\n"; $err = 1; $ret = "timeout while QUERY: \"$query\" wmi on + machine $host"; return($err, $ret); }

    any suggestions on howto eval/jail this line, then
    breakout/throw error in case the time/condition is met?

    Only certain machines are causing the hang/lock. Most
    of the machines breeze past within 5 seconds.

    So iterating 5000 plus machines then hanging on a random
    is a PITA.

    TIA, Joe
      Hello again,

      you must try to isolate your problem. I admit that, for me, reading the expose of your question result to be a bit difficult. Also the code you show is not so perlish and lacks of use strict; use warnings; Anyway, wat I found is:

      > Only certain machines are causing the hang/lock.

      You have not to eval/jail (as you say) the function: you are outside perl domain. Infact you are dealing with something similar to a complex system call: microsoft stuff are well known to return (or not return) weird behaviours. You know if you are used to work with these things.

      If a remote call fails or hangs is not useful to wrap in eval and wait 300 seconds to have back a 255 error or something else, equally unuseful. Better try to whatch $^E that is last operating system error or even better check first if the machine is reachable. Programatically or manually check the Event Viewer in the remote machine to spot some (rare) useful entries.

      Other sparse hints: the problem maight be at RPC level (i'm in guess mode now..) try some command line version using wmic to confirm both versions hangs; wmi connection can be set to use a timeout, like in $os.options.Timeout=[timespan]::FromSeconds(30) or similar. There are here around WMI Diagnosis Utility and WMIdiag. Build a list of hanging machines and look at them carefully (what if remote service is stopped? ram cpu?)


      There are no rules, there are no thumbs..
      Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.


        Thank you for the information

        What is your amazon wishlist? PM me and
        ill fulfill an item.

        As you pointed out, windows is a pain when
        returning errors. It appears the os will
        allow the process to hang without any
        reaper collection, which is a shame.

        FYI: I'm using activestate perl with very
        very little issue.

        How I solved the issue.

        I created a batch file that loops/start min
        each ip address which points to the perl script.
        If the perl script hangs, only the one instance
        to the ip will halt. Not the entire script.
        Since I insert a record into a mysql table
        instead of a flat file, double feed/line
        errors are not an issue.

        Below is the intel.bat load file
        @echo off for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('time /t') do set "variable1=%%a" + & set "variable2=%%b" for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ("%variable2%") do set "mn=%%a" set hr=%variable1% set time=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%hr%-%mn% title SINGLE AUP -s=2 - %time% - %username% - %1 start /min cmd /c "perl -s=3 -misc=1 -z=%1" SET count=0 FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('"tasklist | find /i "cmd.exe""') DO (ca +ll :s_do_sums "%%G") GOTO :next :s_do_sums set /a count+=1 goto :eof :next ping -n 3 -w 1000 > NUL rem echo %count% if %count% GEQ 100 Timeout /t 30 if %count% GEQ 75 Timeout /t 20 if %count% GEQ 50 Timeout /t 10 :end

        Thanks again,


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