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(Ovid) Re(2): Sticky HTML Templates

by Ovid (Cardinal)
on Oct 26, 2001 at 02:51 UTC ( [id://121567]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Sticky HTML Templates
in thread Sticky HTML Templates

I read through HTML::FillInForm and have to admit that it would be a nifty solution. I can see pros and cons, however.

Pros: As the HTML would be left relatively pristine, it would be much easier for our designers to work with it. Further, as the HTML changes, there would less synchronization. This is a huge win. This also appears to be a relatively easy solution to implement.

Cons: We're running in an ISAPI environment here. While that's faster than straight CGI, it does not compare to the performance of mod_perl. Until such time that we can convince the Powers That Be that mod_perl (and Apache, and Linux and ...) is the way to go, we have to be careful about the performance of our applications. Already, using Template Toolkit is a serious issue, in terms of performance. I'm concerned that HTML::FillInForm would be the death knell. Any experience with how this might affect real-world performance? It seems to me that inserting the template markup tags directly into the HTML document would be the least performance-intensive alternative.


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Re: (Ovid) Re(2): Sticky HTML Templates
by perrin (Chancellor) on Oct 27, 2001 at 11:51 UTC
    I don't know how well it performs, but if you're having performance problems and need to use IIS, I would suggest PerlEx or Velocigen. (Is there a FastCGI for IIS?)

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