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Re: optimization problem

by bliako (Monsignor)
on Jun 11, 2018 at 11:45 UTC ( [id://1216382]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to optimization problem

Sometimes I am a one-trick-pony, so I scripted a quick Genetic Algorithms solution to this problem based on something I posted earlier about solving sets of linear equations, in thread Curious about Perl's strengths in 2018. My solution uses the good module Algorithm::Evolutionary

Essentially the program tries to find an optimum combination of base weights so that a target sum weight is reached. It also tries to minimise the number of base weights used but does not take into account tolerances at the moment because it is no use me guessing the spec when the poster can clarify. So for the time being set IMPORTANCE_OF_MINIMISING_NUM_WEIGHT_USED_OVER_DISCREPANCY to reflect this tradeoff. Less favours target sum.

It works with small (4) and large number of weights (17) in less than 10 seconds in my machine. Running time depends on how strict the stopping criterion is and what is the maximum number of iterations in case the criterion is not reached. Memory requirement is very low but it depends on the size of GA population.

Genetic Algorithms (GA) may or may not work. It all comes down to the vastness of the search space, the number of dimensions. For this particular case I find that GA work superbly.

A gene is a bitstring (8 bits for my program) and represents a weight multiplier (which means it will be in the range 0 to 255). A chromosome is a set of N genes for N base weights and represents a candidate solution. GA keeps a number of chromosomes as a number of candidate solutions in the genetic pool so-to-speak and assesses their fitness using a user-supplied function. This function basically calculates the discrepancy of weight sum and target and modulates that to decrease when error gets smaller. GA then recombines (lets them have lots of sex basically) chromosomes to get a new solution based on parents' genes. And so on.

Notice how that genes are just bits: 0/1. A solution is just bits. The interpretation of these bits to numbers for particular problem is up to the user who supplies the fitness function (given the genes). This is certainly a big plus for GA, often ovelooked, because one can immediately solve integer-only problems (i.e. here the multipliers must be integers). Or unsigned-integer-only or floats, fractions etc. And then we have strings etc. (side-project: make a markov chain text generator which scores high on sentiment analysis.)

Here is my script. It runs without parameters:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; # Uses: # Algorithm::Evolutionary # Perl module for performing paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms # by J. J. Merelo, jmerelo (at) # for estimating the optimal combination of base weights so that their # sum makes a set target weight sum. # there are some parameters to set like the target, the base weights # and the maximum difference between an optimal solution and target. # Solution for: # # tested with small (4) and large (17) number of weights. # Caveat: We are asked to minimise the number of base weights used # as well as the discrepancy from the target sum weight. # The fitness function must be crafted carefully in order to # reflect the tradeoff between minimising the discrepancy # and minimising the number of base weights used. # What's more important? # If the problem is laid out with details on how tolerances # are to be used then we can work out a better fitness function # right now it is a sum of gauss(discrepancy) # and IMPORTANCE_OF_MINIMISING_NUM_WEIGHT_USED_OVER_DISCREPANCY/num_we +ights used # IMPORTANCE_OF_MINIMISING_NUM_WEIGHT_USED_OVER_DISCREPANCY reflects s +aid tradeoff. # Author: bliako # Date: 11/06/2018 use IO::Handle; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Experiment; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Easy; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Bitflip; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Crossover; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Mutation; use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Gene_Boundary_Crossover; STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); my $time_started = time; my $seed = $time_started; srand($seed); # break if no change in fitness for so many iterations (set to 0 for n +o effect) use constant BREAK_ON_STALE => 20; # 0 is a good setting: use constant VERBOSE => 0; # the available weights to combine with tolerances # (which have no influence with this version) # exact solution exists for these exact weights: # [242,189,0,0,33,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] -> discr=0, fitne=0.3992756 +13734753, weights used=3 : 242*0.01 + 189*0.12 + 0*1.1 + 0*2.2 + 33*5 +.3 + 0*8.3 + 0*9.3 + 0*11.3 + 0*13.3 + 0*15.3 + 0*17.3 + 0*19.5 + 0*2 +9.5 + 0*39.5 + 0*45.5 + 0*50.1 + 0*100.6 = 200 my $weights = [ [0.01, 0.0], [0.12, 0.0], [1.1, 0.0], [2.2, 0.0], [5.3, 0.0], [8.3, 0.0], [9.3, 0.0], [11.3, 0.0], [13.3, 0.0], [15.3, 0.0], [17.3, 0.0], [19.5, 0.0], [29.5, 0.0], [39.5, 0.0], [45.5, 0.0], [50.1, 0.0], [100.6, 0.0] ]; my $num_weights = scalar(@$weights); # set the target sum weight my $TARGET = 200.0; # set the maximum weight discrepancy from target we will call a soluti +on my $MAXIMUM_DISCREPANCY = 0.04; # set a max number of iterations in case adequate solution is not foun +d until # then, then the best of all solutions found will be given my $MAX_ITERATIONS = 7000; # increase this if minimising number of base weights is important # compared to discrepancy from target sum weight: # WARNING: increasing it too much will minimise weights and give damn +all # about sum of weights!!! 5e-7 is ok my $IMPORTANCE_OF_MINIMISING_NUM_WEIGHT_USED_OVER_DISCREPANCY = 5e-07; # not anything of general interest below use constant M_PI => 3.14159265359; my $sigma1 = 1.0; my $sigma2 = 100000.0; my $_bell_curve_coeff1 = 1.0/($sigma1*sqrt(2.0*M_PI)); my $_bell_curve_coeff2 = 1.0/(2.0*$sigma2*$sigma2); # a zero-mean bell-curve with specified sigma # the input will be a discrepancy (-100000 to +100000!) # and the output will be fitness (0-1) peaking at zero: # control the disc spread with sigma1 and peak with sigma2 (above) sub bell_curve_with_2_sigma { return $_bell_curve_coeff1 * exp(-$_bell +_curve_coeff2 * ($_[0]) * ($_[0]) ) } # the error of a good solution, set as appropriate # else it will loop after a good solution found. no harm really. # this is a trial-and-error my $MINIMUM_FITNESS = bell_curve_with_2_sigma($MAXIMUM_DISCREPANCY) + +num_weights_used_fitness(1); # nothing to change below my $fitness = sub { my $individual = shift; my $genes = chromosome2genes($individual->Chrom()); # discrepancy can be positive or negative. # GA aims to max fitness, so find a function which converts # discrepancy to fitness which peaks at discrepancy=0 and zero +es at # the tails (discr negative or positive). One such function is + the zero-mean bell curve # Here is modified to have two control coefficients one for sp +read and one for height, # see earlier for sigma1 and sigma2: my ($disc, $num_weights_used) = @{calculate_discrepancy($genes +, $weights)}; return bell_curve_with_2_sigma($disc) + num_weights_used_fitne +ss($num_weights_used); }; sub num_weights_used_fitness { my $nw = $_[0]; if( $nw == 0 ){ return 0 } return $IMPORTANCE_OF_MINIMISING_NUM_WEIGHT_USED_OVER_DISCREPA +NCY / $nw } my $num_genes = $num_weights; print "$0 : starting with:\n" ."\t$num_weights base weights,\n" ."\ta target sum weight of $TARGET,\n" ."\ttarget maximum discrepancy of $MAXIMUM_DISCREPANCY (which +makes minimum fitness $MINIMUM_FITNESS).\n" ."\tThis are my weights/tolerances:\n"; my $i = 1; for(@$weights){ print "\t\t".($i++).") ".join(", +/- ", @$_)."\n"; } # tests the output of the bell curve func #for(-10000..10000){ print $_ . " " . bell_curve_with_2_sigma($_) . "\ +n"; } exit(0); # crossover with 2 points and 1 prob of mutation my $m = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Bitflip->new(2, 0.18); # flip thi +s number of bits randomly my $c = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Crossover->new(2); my $bm = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Mutation->new(0.05); my $bc = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Gene_Boundary_Crossover->new(3, +3); my $ez = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Op::Easy( $fitness, 0.8, [$m, $c, $bc] ); my $popSize = 35; # population size, each individual in this pop has a + chromosome which consists of 2 genes my $indiType = 'BitString'; # the chromosome is a sequence of bits as +a string my $indiSize = 8*$num_genes; # 8 bits per gene to make an integer, 1 g +ene = 1 weight multiplier (so we can have mults up to 255) my $e = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Experiment( $popSize, $indiType, $indiSize, $ez ); my $populationRef; my $previous_fitness = 0; my ($current_fitness, $best); my $nochange = 0; my $iters = 0; my $best_solution_overall = undef; my $best_fitness_overall = 0; my $best_str = "<NA>"; while($iters++ < $MAX_ITERATIONS){ $populationRef = $e->go(); if( VERBOSE > 0 ){ for($i=scalar(@$populationRef);$i-->0;){ print $populationRef->[$i]->asString()." ".ind +ividual2string($populationRef->[$i], $weights)." pop=$i\n"; } } $best = $populationRef->[0]; #print "Best so far after $iters iterations: ", $best->asStrin +g(), " (", individual2string($best, $weights),"), ".solution2string($ +best, $weights)."\n"; print "Best so far after $iters iterations: ". individual2stri +ng($best, $weights).": ".solution2string($best, $weights)."\n"; $current_fitness = $best->Fitness(); # keep a record of best solution found: if( $current_fitness > $best_fitness_overall ){ $best_solution_overall = $best; $best_str = "Best so far after $iters iterations: ". i +ndividual2string($best, $weights).": ".solution2string($best, $weight +s); } # break if solution good enough (see MINIMUM_FITNESS) is found if( $current_fitness > $MINIMUM_FITNESS ){ $best_solution_overall = $best; print "\n$0 : bingo! minimum acceptable fitness reache +d : $current_fitness > $MINIMUM_FITNESS\n\n"; last } if( BREAK_ON_STALE > 0 ){ if( $previous_fitness == $current_fitness ){ $nochange++ } else { $nochange = 0 } if( $nochange > BREAK_ON_STALE ){ # for too many iterations we are stuck in loca +l minimum, how to get out: if( $m->{rate} > 0.99 ){ # rate change has no effect, reset the + population and start afresh print "$0 : reseting the population in + order to get out of the local minimum...\n"; $e = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Expe +riment( $popSize, $indiType, $indiSize, $ez ); } else { # change GA params hoping to get out o +f the local min $m->{rate} = $m->{rate}*1.01; print "$0 : increasing bitflit rate in + order to get out of the local minimum, new value : ".$m->{rate}."\n" +; $nochange = 0; } } } $previous_fitness = $current_fitness; } $best = $best_solution_overall; print "\n$0 : Final solution found after $iters iterations: ".individu +al2string($best, $weights)." : ".solution2string($best, $weights)."\n +"; print "$0 : seed = $seed\n"; print "$0 : done in ".(time-$time_started)." seconds.\n"; exit(0); sub calculate_discrepancy { my $genes = $_[0]; # genes as numbers (not bits): num weights +for specifc weight my $we = $_[1]; # the description of weights my ($i, $amult); my $num_nonzero_multipliers = 0; my $sum = 0.0; # total weight for($i=$num_genes;$i-->0;){ $amult = $genes->[$i]; if( $amult > 0.0 ){ $sum += $genes->[$i] * $weights->[$i]->[0]; $num_nonzero_multipliers++; } } # note: this is not fitness, this is discrepancy # as the difference of the current sum of weights from target +total weight return [$TARGET-$sum, $num_nonzero_multipliers]; } sub solution2string { my $individual = $_[0]; my $we = $_[1]; # the weights description my $genes = chromosome2genes($individual->Chrom()); my $ret = ""; my $sum = 0.0; my $i; for($i=0;$i<$num_genes;$i++){ $sum += $genes->[$i] * $weights->[$i]->[0]; $ret .= $genes->[$i] . '*' . $weights->[$i]->[0] . ' + + ' } $ret =~ s/ \+ $/ = $sum/; return $ret } sub individual2string { my $individual = $_[0]; my $we = $_[1]; # the weights description my $genes = chromosome2genes($individual->Chrom()); my ($disc, $num_nonzero_mult) = @{calculate_discrepancy($genes +, $we)}; my $fit = $fitness->($individual); return genes2string($genes) . " -> discr=$disc, fitne=$fit, we +ights used=$num_nonzero_mult" } # interpret an array of genes wrt our problem, i.e. a set weight multi +pliers sub genes2string { my $genes = $_[0]; my $ret = "["; my $i; for($i=0;$i<$num_genes;$i++){ $ret .= $genes->[$i]."," } $ret =~ s/,$/]/; return $ret } # convert a huge bit string into an array of genes # the array to place the genes in is given sub chromosome2genes { my $achromosome = $_[0]; # chromosome bit string containing al +l genes as 10101 my @retgenes = (0)x$num_genes; # convert a chromosome which consists of genes which consist o +f bits(alleles) # into a set of numbers to be applied to our problem. # each chromosome below consists of a number of genes (equal t +o the number of variables # we are looking for) which consist of 8 bits (0sign+8) # these 8bits are interpreted as integers in 0-255 range (whic +h is enough for our problem # however if solution involved bigger numbers we need to incre +ase range/bits) my $i=0; while( $achromosome =~ /([01]{8})/g ){ my $g2 = $1; # Here is how a sequence of 8bits is converted to unsi +gned integers. # I am sure there is a better way using pack which i r +efuse to understand. my $g = 0; my $j = 1; map { $g += $_*$j; $j*=2; } split(//, $g2); $retgenes[$i++] = $g; #print "$g2->num=$g\n"; } return \@retgenes } # _ _ # '\\-//` # (o o) # ooO--(_)--Ooo-- #---------------- __END__

bw, bliako

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