in reply to Tk::Notebook exclude tab from focus traversal
Here's a version that allows shift-tab to go backwards properly, that is, it works both forward and backwards.
#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; use Tk; require Tk::NoteBook; my $main = MainWindow->new( ); my $nb = $main->NoteBook(-takefocus => 0 )->pack(-expand => 1, -fill = +> 'both'); my $page1 = $nb->add('page1', -label => 'Page 1'); my $one = $page1->Entry()->pack(); $page1->Entry()->pack(); my $three = $page1->Entry()->pack(); $page1->Entry()->pack(); $three->bind('<Tab>' => sub { $main->after( 0, sub {$one->focus} ) } ) +; $one->bind('<<LeftTab>>' => sub { $main->after( 0, sub {$three->focus} + ) } ); $nb->add('page2', -label => 'Page 2'); MainLoop;
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Re^2: Tk::Notebook exclude tab from focus traversal
by cscvrp (Novice) on Nov 27, 2018 at 05:28 UTC |
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