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dh-make-perl WTF?

by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor)
on Jan 07, 2019 at 18:54 UTC ( [id://1228150]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

blue_cowdawg has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I know... here it has been years since I posted on PM and here I am with my tin cup in my hand looking for help. I've been doing very little Perl work over the last five years but now I have a bunch of Perl modules I've created for my employer and now I'm baffled as to how to create Debian archives from the sources!

I obtained the dh-make-perl package for my main axe laptop which runs Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (soon to be upgraded) and quite frankly I'm baffled by it's behavior and my lack of success to get a package out of the deal.

So without further ado... here is what I'm seeing.

dh-make-perl == dh-make-perl 0.89 == Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/../Saltydog-BlogBa +ckup.tar.gz... not found. Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/../Saltydog-BlogBa +ckup.tar.bz2... not found. Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/../Saltydog-BlogBa +ckup.tar.xz... not found. Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/../Saltydog-BlogBa +ckup.tar.lzma... not found. WARNING: Neither META.json nor META.yml was found Extracting name and version from Makefile.PL ---snip---- If you are building this package for your personal use, you might disr +egard this information; however, if you intend to upload this package to Deb +ian (or in general, if you plan on distributing it), you must look into th +e complete copyright information. The causes for this warning are: No licensing information found No tarball found to handle with pristine-tar. Bailing out. at /usr/sha +re/perl5/DhMakePerl/Command/ line 786.
Anymonk out there have experience with this? What in the world is it asking for?

Here is what is in the directory. This is just a post h2xs created module, figure if it doesn't work we never stand a chance.
Saltydog-BlogBackup]:(master): ls -R .: Changes Makefile MYMETA.json Saltydog-BlogBackup-0.01.tar.gz debian Makefile.PL MYMETA.yml t lib MANIFEST README ./debian: changelog compat control copyright rules source watch ./debian/source: format ./lib: Saltydog ./lib/Saltydog: ./t: Saltydog-BlogBackup.t peter@saltycowdawg: Saltydog-BlogBackup]:(master): pwd /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup peter@saltycowdawg: Saltydog-BlogBackup]:(master): ls Changes Makefile MYMETA.json Saltydog-BlogBackup-0.01.tar.gz debian Makefile.PL MYMETA.yml t lib MANIFEST README peter@saltycowdawg: Saltydog-BlogBackup]:(master): ls -R . .: Changes Makefile MYMETA.json Saltydog-BlogBackup-0.01.tar.gz debian Makefile.PL MYMETA.yml t lib MANIFEST README ./debian: changelog compat control copyright rules source watch ./debian/source: format ./lib: Saltydog ./lib/Saltydog: ./t: Saltydog-BlogBackup.t

Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; Blog: Warning: No political correctness allowed.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: dh-make-perl WTF?
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Jan 07, 2019 at 22:25 UTC
    Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/../Saltydog-BlogBackup.tar.gz... not found.

    I've no experience with this stuff at all.
    Does changing the directory name from "Saltydog-BlogBackup" to "Saltydog-BlogBackup-0.01" at least enable "Saltydog-BlogBackup-0.01.tar.gz" to be found ?

    UPDATE: Ooops ... just realized it's also expecting the tar.gz file to be in /home/peter/prj-src/perl, not in /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup

Re: dh-make-perl WTF?
by hippo (Archbishop) on Jan 08, 2019 at 09:21 UTC

    How wedded are you to dh-make-perl? Ubuntu isn't my primary distro but I do use it sometimes and have had success using checkinstall to build debs from perl dists. It is not perl-specific so it won't hold your hand so much but the only niggle I found when using it was having to escape perllocal.pod from the list of updated files manually. There was probably a way around that but it was never enough of an issue to go back and fix.

    You can use apt to install checkinstall from the Trusty repos (but don't hang about as you've only a few months left of LTS on that one). Good luck.

Re: dh-make-perl WTF?
by bliako (Abbot) on Jan 08, 2019 at 10:31 UTC

    Probably it is looking for the "dist" file of your module *outside* your module directory (re: Trying /home/peter/prj-src/perl/Saltydog-BlogBackup/>>>>>..<<<<<</Saltydog-BlogBackup.tar.gz)? cpanm can not even find dh-make-perl and some of its dependencies to install on my linux box (and that does not bother me much) so I can only guess from that missing tar error message you posted.

    Update: as syphilis also mentioned earlier, sorry for the duplicate.

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