#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::DOM; my $html = q{
(cut out for visibility)

The first 3 lines were 15% bait power, but then it fell to mere 5% and the last lines are literally 0%, try again in a few days.

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(cut out for visibility)


>Reddit is a great place for discourse and there are many active subreddits where field professionals regularly answer questions on issues of health, science, engineering, etc

Yeah, as far as content goes, Reddit kicks 8chan's ass. They have some great boards for serious academic discussion.

}; my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $html ); for my $e ( $dom->find( 'div.reply' )->each ){ print $e->{id},"\n", $e->text, "\n\n"; } __END__ reply_8735435 (cut out for visibility) reply_8735439 (cut out for visibility)