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Re: Variable/if question...

by Indomitus (Scribe)
on Nov 04, 2001 at 12:17 UTC ( [id://123152]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Variable/if question...

You should have a <FILE> in the while() loop. The <FILE> tells perl to loop through your file one line at a time. You can also read the whole file into memory by doing @lines = <FILE> but it's up to you if you want to use that memory.
if($pword==$cpword){ open (FILE, "memberlist.txt"); while(<FILE>){ push @lines,$_; close FILE; } }
UPDATE: You might also want to try checking your open statement to make sure it worked.
open (FILE, "memberlist.txt") || die "Cannot open: $!";
The $! gives you the error message from the open command if it failed.

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