$ ./3.mm.pl hoops sub_dir is hoops path1 is /home/bob/Documents/meditations path2 is /home/bob/Documents/meditations/hoops out_file is /home/bob/Documents/meditations/hoops/my_data/22-03-2019-16-09-08/22-03-2019-16-09-08.1.txt pairs are 1.duke vs 16.ndST 8.vcu vs 9.ucf 5.msST vs 12.lib 4.vaTech vs 13.stlouis 6.maryland vs 11.belmont 3.lsu vs 14.yale 7.louisville vs 10.mn 2.miST vs 15.bradley pairs are 1.duke vs 16.ndST matched 1 duke 16 ndST { event => "the Big Dance", protaganist => "al debaran", ref_east => [ "1.duke", "16.ndST", "8.vcu", "9.ucf", "5.msST", "12.lib", "4.vaTech", "13.stlouis", "6.maryland", "11.belmont", "3.lsu", "14.yale", "7.louisville", "10.mn", "2.miST", "15.bradley", ], region => "south", } -------system out--------- It is the Big Dance again, and I, al debaran, wanted to make some predictions. I pick to win in this round of the south. Their cardinality is . looks particularly likely to win, while the underdog. The current state of the Big Dance is . ---------------- out_file is /home/bob/Documents/meditations/hoops/my_data/22-03-2019-16-09-09/22-03-2019-16-09-09.2.txt pairs are 1.duke vs 16.ndST 8.vcu vs 9.ucf 5.msST vs 12.lib 4.vaTech vs 13.stlouis 6.maryland vs 11.belmont 3.lsu vs 14.yale 7.louisville vs 10.mn 2.miST vs 15.bradley pairs are 1.duke vs 16.ndST matched 1 duke 16 ndST { event => "hoops, baby", protaganist => "JAPH", ref_east => [ "1.duke", "16.ndST", "8.vcu", "9.ucf", "5.msST", "12.lib", "4.vaTech", "13.stlouis", "6.maryland", "11.belmont", "3.lsu", "14.yale", "7.louisville", "10.mn", "2.miST", "15.bradley", ], region => "south", } -------system out--------- It is hoops, baby again, and I, JAPH, wanted to make some predictions. I pick to win in this round of the south. Their cardinality is . looks particularly likely to win, while the underdog. The current state of hoops, baby is . ---------------- $