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Here you will find questions (from the Seekers of Perl Wisdom section) which have been esteemed by our venerable monks to be exceptional.

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These exceptional questions will likewise have one or more replies which have been deemed best.

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Good Questions in categories (dates and times)

How do I convert seconds into a readable time? — 3⭐ / 13
How do I validate a date? — 5⭐ / 6
How can I format the output of localtime? — 3⭐ / 8
How do I find the difference in days between two dates, in a cool perl way? — 4⭐ / 11
How do I Compare Dates — 2⭐ / 7
How do I find today's date? — 2⭐ / 10
Fast(er) date parsing — 1⭐ / 5
Why is my script giving the year as 19100? — 2⭐ / 2
Is there a way of storing 600 in a scalar as 0600 (24 hour clock style)? — 1⭐ / 3
How do I determine if a given year is a leap year? — 2⭐ / 8
Is there a shorter way to create a german time string? — 1⭐ / 2
How do I convert date format between 'DD-MM-YYYY' and 'YYYY-MM-DD' back & forth? — 1⭐ / 4
Is there a way to call time() with an increment smaller than seconds? — 1⭐ / 1
How do i find yesterday's date — 3⭐ / 6
How do I incorporate a timestamp into a file name? — 3⭐ / 4
Convert month name to number — 1⭐ / 2
how can i find number of days in a given year and month — 3⭐ / 7
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