phoenix007 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am using following code to get positions of start and end of html tags. Problem is HTML::Tagreader requires file as argument. But I have HTML as a sting in some variable. I dont want to create a file and delete it. Just for using this module. Can any one suggest better solution where I can use string instead of file

Note : Problem is HTML::TagReader does not allow string argument. I am only trying to get position of html tags using this module. Is there any better option?

use HTML::TagReader; my $filename = 'test2.html'; # Here instead of using this file I wan +t to do same thing using HTML as a string in some variable say $html_ +string = 'content of test2.html' my $p=new HTML::TagReader "$filename"; open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filenam +e' $!"; my %line_chars; my $line_number = 1; while (my $row = <$fh>) { if ($line_number > 1) { $line_chars{$line_number} = $line_chars{$line_number - +1} + length($row); } else { $line_chars{$line_number} = length($row); } $line_number++; } my @atags; my %atagrange; while(my ($tagOrText,$tagtype,$linenumber,$column)=$p->getbytoken($s +howerr)) { my $position; my $a_start_tag_pos; if ($linenumber > 1) { $position = $line_chars{$linenumber - 1} + $column; }#print "\ntagOrText:" . $tagOrText . "\ntagtype : " . $tagtype +. "\nline number :" . $linenumber . "\ncolumn : " . $column . "\npos +ition : " . $position . "\n"; if ($tagtype eq "a" or $tagtype eq '/a') { if ($tagtype eq "a") { push(@atags, $position); } else { $a_start_tag_pos = pop(@atags); $atagrange{$a_start_tag_pos} = $position; } } }

thanks in advance...