sub test_sub {
my ($thischan, $thisuser, $thismsg) = (@_);
return "test_sub" if @_ == 0;
return unless $thismsg =~ /^:google /;
use WWW::Search;
my $search = new WWW::Search('Google');
$search -> maximum_to_retrieve(5);
$search -> native_query(WWW::Search::escape_query("osama"));
$search -> seek_result(2);
my $result = $search -> results();
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \$result;
carp "cycling";
I took the above code, most of it, from WWW::Search::Google's pod, and some of it from one of
merlyn's columns. I get the following output:
:google bleh # this was my input
Found Total: 1,110,000
$VAR1 = \undef;
cycling at line 31
main::test_sub('#bleh', 'alex', ':google bleh') called at test line 17
This seems to be totally contrary to what the docs say will happen, and also the results
merlyn got. If i switch
results to
next_result like the supplied POD, i still have the same situation. I'm confused. Has anyone successfully worked with this module? And I cant seem to find it in Super Search.
Oh, and there is a user, google, which is rather irritating when searching for google. alas.
brother dep
i have used several of the search modules including Excite and hotbot to no avail.
Laziness, Impatience, Hubris, and Generosity.