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Re: rant on = qw(HTML::Mason Embperl Template etc) ;

by brother ab (Scribe)
on Nov 09, 2001 at 15:03 UTC ( [id://124325]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to rant on = qw(HTML::Mason Embperl Template etc) ;

As for HTML designers that use Dreamweaver - for my experience they feel quite comfortable about HTML::Mason. I have explained them that mason-components are like their own Dreamweaver library items, but much more powerfull and they ate this :) Your example of "bad component" could be titled "bad library item" or so because it has nothing mason or even perl specific, it is an example of ugly decomposition of a page.

Be sure, it is possible for designer to learn something about Mason or ColdFusion or ASP or JSP or what-else-those-programmers-use. Don't hide too much from them or they'll lose logic of your application. Yes, they are not just page designers, the are a part of a team that creates something bigger than these pages.

-- brother ab
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