All the pieces were there in the thread. I simply rearranged them...
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
my $bin = ascii2bin('Rolf');
my $ascii = bin2ascii($bin);
print "bin => $bin\n";
print "ascii => $ascii\n";
sub ascii2bin {
my $ascii = shift;
my $bin = join '', map {sprintf "%08b", ord($_)} split //, $ascii;
return $bin;
sub bin2ascii {
my $bin = shift;
my $ascii = join '', map {chr(oct"0b$_")} $bin =~ /(\d{8})/g;
return $ascii;
bin => 01010010011011110110110001100110
ascii => Rolf
Or, as one-liners.....
perl -le 'print join"",map{sprintf"%08b",ord($_)}split//,pop' Rolf
perl -le 'print join"",map{chr(oct"0b$_")}pop=~/(\d{8})/g' 01010010011