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Re: Re: Efficiency in maintenance coding...

by Sweeper (Pilgrim)
on Nov 15, 2001 at 02:33 UTC ( [id://125447]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Efficiency in maintenance coding...
in thread Efficiency in maintenance coding...

Are you sure your code snippet could convince Java coders to switch to Perl? They would still object the funny characters "$", "@" and "%". And they would also object names without a class qualifier, the typeless definitions of variables, the use of plain functions instead of methods.

At the same time, Perl coders, even seasoned coders would cringe when reading your code. Why code a Perl program with a Java mindset?

Can we really convince Java coders to adopt Perl? Some people love bureaucracy and red tape, others don't like it, but it gives them a feeling of security, and they would be afraid to exercise their free will (supposing they still have one). So, there exist coders that love code red tape, or feel secure only when bound in code red tape.


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