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Re: Using 'use' away from script start

by MZSanford (Curate)
on Nov 15, 2001 at 14:28 UTC ( [id://125542]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Using 'use' away from script start

All of this, and require goes unloved. :(

In the spirit of KISS, and also guessing that if loading LWP::Simple is too much a performance penalty, i can't imagine Autoloader will be well recieved, i put forward something like this :
sub once_in_a_blue_moon { require LWP::Simple; my $page = get(''); }

please note, i suggest use'ing the module at the top to improve readability, as i think that will be more important in the long run that the minor gain of not loading LWP::Simple.
i had a memory leak once, and it ruined my favorite shirt.

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Re: Re: Using 'use' away from script start
by mischief (Hermit) on Nov 15, 2001 at 19:34 UTC
    Have a look at the first reply here, MZSanford, you'll see that require is getting plenty of lovin'.

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