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Re: Re: avoid temporary files when building a webmailer

by mischief (Hermit)
on Nov 15, 2001 at 19:09 UTC ( [id://125582]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: avoid temporary files when building a webmailer
in thread avoid temporary files when building a webmailer

You might want to have a look at the MIME modules on CPAN. They should do what you want.
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Re: Re: Re: avoid temporary files when building a webmailer
by khippy (Scribe) on Nov 15, 2001 at 20:26 UTC

    I have looked at Mime::Tools to get an impression of the mime-tools. At the first look it seemed nice, it gives a nice surface to get access to all parts of the mail.
    But, unfortunately, I have found the following:

    ..."Use of a temp file during parsing

    Why not do everything in core? Although the amount of core available on even a modest home system continues to grow, the size of attachments continues to grow with it. I wanted to make sure that even users with small systems could deal with decoding multi-megabyte sounds and movie files. That means not being core-bound."...

    This exactly bypasses my goal, *not* to create a tempfile. BTW, there is no need to show multi-megabyte files in whatever audio or videoformats for my needs... a picture with maxsize 800x600 or so will be the top size.

    Thanx for the advice, but this is a special case, any ideas left?

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