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Re: Re: (FoxUni) Re(2): Larry vs. Joel vs. Ovid vs. Masem vs. Web browsers

by mischief (Hermit)
on Nov 27, 2001 at 01:21 UTC ( [id://127627]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: (FoxUni) Re(2): Larry vs. Joel vs. Ovid vs. Masem vs. Web browsers
in thread Larry vs. Joel vs. Ovid

Erm. Not sure if you really needed to post all 25 errors. But anyway, it seems like a nice feature - is there an option to change the level of errors it detects? For instance, if I don't care about anything implemented in HTML 3 or above (say I'm on a contract for a company that has Netscape 2 as the default browser company wide or something)? I'll probably be able to answer this myself soon though as I'm downloading iCab now.
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