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Re: Re: oo code don't want to die !

by iza (Monk)
on Nov 29, 2001 at 16:51 UTC ( [id://128333]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: oo code don't want to die !
in thread oo code don't want to die !

that's great ! it now stops & exit the loop :)
it crashes badly from times to times tho, because sometimes the ^C interrupts an object that is doing "in-interrupt-able" stuff (for instance, while an XML::Parser is connecting to retrieve the dtd - things like that)
but those are small things to fix (hopefully ...), and i'm really happy with your help :) - thanx for "translating" perlman:perlipc to me, i (obviously !) haden't properly understood this part

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