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Re: Re: Re: (crazyinsomniac) Re: Monastery URLs don't need double slashes!

by mischief (Hermit)
on Dec 13, 2001 at 18:26 UTC ( [id://131620]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: (crazyinsomniac) Re: Monastery URLs don't need double slashes!
in thread Monastery URLs don't need double slashes!

Some people might consider it simpler (I would be one of them), and having the choice to leave out the // would benefit those people, no? Of course it's another idea to add on the pile, but isn't that the case with any good idea? And using id:// isn't confined to the CB - personally I generally use id:// tags instead of just surrounding text in []s, because I don't like the idea of my post pointing somewhere else in the future when someone posts another node with the same node as I've linked to.

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