Perl: the Markov chain saw | |
PerlMonks |
Re: Re: Re: (crazyinsomniac) Re: Monastery URLs don't need double slashes!by mischief (Hermit) |
on Dec 13, 2001 at 18:26 UTC ( [id://131620]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Some people might consider it simpler (I would be one of them), and having the choice to leave out the // would benefit those people, no? Of course it's another idea to add on the pile, but isn't that the case with any good idea? And using id:// isn't confined to the CB - personally I generally use id:// tags instead of just surrounding text in []s, because I don't like the idea of my post pointing somewhere else in the future when someone posts another node with the same node as I've linked to.
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