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(jeffa) Re: Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer

by jeffa (Bishop)
on Dec 15, 2001 at 20:36 UTC ( [id://132219]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer

I followed the link and must say that what you have so far looks very nice. My suggestion is to provide a simple text box to allow someone who knows the node id of the parent node they wish to follow to quickly 'subscribe'. The reasoning is that this user will probably be perusing PerlMonks, stumble accross a topic, and not want to have to drill down to that node.

And of course, this brings up maintaining the list of 'subscribed' nodes for a particular user. Does the subscription 'run out' after a period of time? Probably not, so the user will need an interface to manage their list.

Looks good so far! ;)


(the triplet paradiddle)
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