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Re: Design Patterns Considered Harmful

by Anonymous Monk
on Dec 28, 2001 at 06:28 UTC ( [id://134794]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Design Patterns Considered Harmful

The book is essentially "Computer Programming for Dummies" without actually having the honesty to title it as such. (There probably is a "dummies" book for programming by now; I'd rather not know about it.)

There is not one "design pattern" in that book which isn't obvious, intuitive, or flat out trivial to anyone who has written more than a few hundred lines of code.

Alot of the "OO"/DP mentality is the "discovery" that most computer programming work is highly repetitive and generally uncreative. What is left unspoken is that this is true *ONLY* because people continually ask the same "questions" of the computer again and again. Thus the "patterns" emerge: what else can one expect but the same solutions to arise when the same questions are asked?

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