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Re: Re: chop() and chomp()

by Parham (Friar)
on Jan 03, 2002 at 05:51 UTC ( [id://135887]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: chop() and chomp()
in thread chop() and chomp()

it wasn't meant as a horribly detailed tutorial. It was meant as a VERY simple tutorial for those that might have not understood why the functions were used. I had it on the computer and i decided to add it to the 'tutorials' section cuz there were no other tutorials on the subject. I didn't use $_ because it might have very well confused those starting out. When in my comment i used 'return', i did not mean literally, i just meant it would 'output' and i feel the need to chomp arrays or hashes cuz again, i wanted it to be a very simple tutorial. I very well understand why you downvoted the tutorial and hope the explanation i gave helped you understand why i wrote it very basically :).

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