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by dreadpiratepeter (Priest)
on Jan 09, 2002 at 18:26 UTC ( [id://137449]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Born a penniless orphan, Pete's fortunes began to change with the appearance of a mysterious benefactor. After spending time with a creepy old woman in a wedding dress he set out to make his way in the world.
Ok, so that's Pip's bio not mine.

Born a middle class suburbanite, Pete's fortunes began to change with the appearance of the first edition Camel Book. In that fateful year, 1991, he pulled himself from the morass of C and C++, finding true joy at last with the Champaigne of programming languages.

Actualy my coding career began the day I saw Adventure on a PDP-11. I went to the "computer room" in my school and began to learn coding in Basic on an HP paper terminal connected to a mainframe with the latest technology- the cup modem.

From there, my quest to write my game led me through Apple IIs, Pascal, C, and C++. From if to roguelikes.
MY latest incarnation is Tapestry, a roguelike in progress written in Perl.
Unfortunately, work has kept me from the game for the last 2 months.

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