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Installing after failing NaN tests: Threat or Menace?

by adamsj (Hermit)
on Jan 16, 2002 at 04:14 UTC ( [id://139099]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

adamsj has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

The good news is that I finally got 5.6.1 built and installed on my system, and that it's working just fine.

The bad news is that I did so despite the fact that I failed some tests relating to NaN support. On searching the perlbug database, I found many references to the problematic nature of NaN support.

So, the question: Have I done a Bad Thing by giving up and leaving the four tests not working?


They laughed at Joan of Arc, but she went right ahead and built it. --Gracie Allen

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Final Follow-Up Re: Installing after failing NaN tests: Threat or Menace?
by adamsj (Hermit) on Jan 17, 2002 at 01:06 UTC
    After my perlbug submission went in, I've been on the edge of discussions from perl5-porters, and the consensus at the moment is that those tests are probably not any good and that I have a working 5.6.1 on my system.

    Further update: On being contacted by the owner of the Math::BigInt module, I was asked to run the tests from the brand spanking new (okay, it's eight whole days old) version 1.49 and (wait for it) they all passed.

    Final update: I've installed Math::BigInt version 1.49 and everything is happy. As of the time of this writing, unless you are on a Compaq iPAQ running 5.6.1, consider upgrading.


    They laughed at Joan of Arc, but she went right ahead and built it. --Gracie Allen

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