### WSproxy v0.8
### By Kelly "STrRedWolf" Price
### A "Tell it to" filter/cache web proxy. Use it with inetd or netpi
### Configuration
## URL Grep lists. Use a regexp to match on URL (no need for http://)
# Banned sites. Examples of ad sites below.
# Cached sites. If it doesn't match nocache, and matches cached, it'l
# save any matched URL.
"velar\.ctrl-c\.liu\.se/vcl/Artists/New/.thumbnail/" => 3,
"g\.akamai\.net/" => 1,
"\.akamai\.net/.*/i/" => 1,
"yerf\.com/[^/]+/data/.*\.(gif|jpg|png)" => 2,
"\.keen(spot|space)\.com/images/" => 2,
"www.\(superosity|brunothebandit)\.com/.*\.gif" => 3,
"www\.keenspace\.com/forums/.*\.gif" => 3,
"amtrak\.com/images/" => 3,
# Where to put our info. It'll put the files under this directory.
# The URL (w/o http://) will serve as a directory for this.
# The cache will be put here under $info/cache
# a delay db will be put here too.
# Wait time in seconds for a lock to die.
$deadlock=120; # two minutes
### Code!
$ourver="0.8 beta - filtering/caching";
$d=$hard=$help=$log=$v=0; #debug
foreach $j (@ARGV)
$d++ if($j eq "-d");
$v++ if($j eq "-v");
$hard++ if($j eq "-a");
$help++ if($j eq "-h");
$log++ if($j eq "-l");
$rand++ if($j eq "-f");
$limit++ if($j eq "-r");
$cflush++ if($j eq "-c");
print STDERR <<EOF;
$0 options:
-d debug
-v verbose
-a hard fail on banned URLs
-l log interaction
-f futz around with pulling images a bit
-r try to rate limit (not implemented)
-c Flush the TempCache and exit.
exit 1;
sub flushcache
# Find files...
@d=(); $i=0;
open(IN,"find $info/pcache/. -type f -print |") || die "Find died:
+ $!";
chop; $f=$_; $a=-M $f;
foreach $j (keys %pcached)
$d[$i++]=$f if($f =~ /$j/ && $a > $pcached{$j});
foreach $j (@d)
print "Deleting $j\n" if($d);
unlink $j;
# Clean out empty directories.
@d=(); $i=0;
open(IN,"find $info/pcache/. -type d -a -empty -print |") || die "
+Find died: $!";
chop; $d[$i++]=$_;
foreach $j (@d)
print "Flushing $j\n" if($d);
rmdir $j;
system "touch $info/pcache/stamp";
exit 0;
&flushcache if($cflush);
# The other end. Clear any cache when it's due.
$pcf=-M "$info/pcache/stamp";
if($pcf >= 1)
print STDERR "$$: Forking a flush...\n" if($v);
exec "$0 -c";
# Requirements
use Socket;
# Error subroutine. If we run into trouble, we do it here.
sub err {
my ($e,$r)=@_;
# Quickly suck in some junk just in case...
# BUG: It just delays netscape somehow.
# while(<>) {;}
print STDERR "$$: $e -- $r\n" if($v);
print "HTTP/1.0 $e\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
print "<html><head><title>$e</title></head><body>\r\n";
print "<h1>$e</h1><BR><P>";
print "WSProxy cannot fulfill your request -- $r<P>$req<P>\n";
print "<hr><br><i>WSProxy version $ourver<br></I>\r\n";
exit 0;
sub nothing {
print STDERR "$$: Sending nothing\n" if($v);
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
print "// Nothing. \r\n";
print "\r\n";
exit 0;
sub blank {
print STDERR "$$: Sending blank\n" if($v);
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nConnection: close\n";
print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n",
pack "H*", "47494638396101000100800000ffffff" .
"00000021f90401000000002c00000000" .
# Generic file send routine.
sub sendthis {
my ($file)=@_;
my ($type);
$type="image/gif" if /\.gif$/ ;
$type="image/jpg" if /\.jpg$/ ;
$type="image/png" if /\.png$/ ;
while( -e "$file.LOCK" )
unlink "$file.LOCK" if(-M "$file.LOCK" > $deadlink);
sleep 3;
open(IN,"<$file") || &err("500 Internal Server Error","Cannot open
+ cached file ($!)");
print STDERR "$$: sending $file\n" if($v);
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
print "Content-Type: $type\r\n";
print "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
exit 0;
# Open up a logfile.
$log='' unless(open(LOG,">/tmp/wsproxy.$$"));
# Read the first line of the request and pharze it.
$_=$req=<STDIN>; tr/\n\r//d;
exit 0 if(/^$/);
m#^(GET|POST|HEAD) http://([^/]+)(/.*) (HTTP\S+)$#i;
$type=$1; $site=$2; $page=$3; $ver=$4;
print LOG "> $req" if($log);
#search banned
foreach $j (@adban)
if($url =~ /$j/)
&err("400 Bad Request","Site $site is banned.") if($hard);
print STDERR "$$: $url banned.\n";
foreach $j (@jsban)
if($url =~ /$j/)
&err("400 Bad Request","Site $site is banned.") if($hard);
print STDERR "$$: $url banned.\n";
#search cached
unless($url =~ /\?/)
foreach $j (@nocache)
$really++ if($url =~ /$j/);
# Peramently cache?
foreach $j (@cached)
if($url =~ /$j/)
&sendthis($file) if (-e $file && -s $file);
print STDERR "$$: Caching $url\n" if($v);
# Temp cache.
foreach $j (keys (%pcached))
next if($url !~/$j/);
next unless($pcached{$j});
$s=-s $file;
$m=-M $file;
if($s && $m < 3) {
unlink $file if($s);
print STDERR "$$: TempCaching $url\n" if($v);
print STDERR "$$: pulling $url\n" if($v);
if($site =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+)$/)
$remote=$1; $port=$2;
} else {
$remote=$site; $port=80;
# Futz around if it's a graphic file. One attempt to limit Netscape's
+ spammish
# tendencies
if($rand && $page =~ /\.(gif|jpg|png)$/i && !$cachethis)
print STDERR "$$: Delaying...\n";
sleep (int (rand 2) + 1);
# Call out and strangle someone
$iaddr = inet_aton($remote) ;
# print STDERR "$$: $remote -> $iaddr\n" if($v);
&err("400 Bad Request","Site $remote can't be resolved ($!).")
$paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || &err("500 Internal Serv
+er Error","Something went wrong trying to connect to $remote ($!).");
connect(SOCK, $paddr) || &err("500 Internal Server Error","Cannot c
+onnect to $remote ($!)");
$old=select(SOCK); $|=1; select($old);
print SOCK "$type $page $ver\r\n"; # Xmission's webserver is funky
$lo=2 if(/^$/);
$cont=$1 if(/^Content-[lL]ength: (\d+)$/);
$nocache++ if(/^Pragma: no-cache/);
$ok=0 if(/^Proxy-Connection:/);
print SOCK "Connection: close$l" if($lo);
print SOCK "$l" if($ok);
print STDERR "$$ >>> $l" if($ok && $d);
print LOG "> $l" if($ok && $log);
last if($lo);
$in=read STDIN, $buf, ($cont < 256 ? $cont : 256 );
$cont -= $in;
print SOCK $buf;
print STDERR "$$ >>> $buf" if($d);
print LOG "> $buf\n" if($log);
print STDERR "$$ XXX\n" if($d);
$conn=0; $lc=0;
# print STDERR "$$: Site went bang: $!\n" if($!);
$l=$_; $lc++;
last if(/^$/);
$conn++ if(/^Connection:/);
$cont=$1 if(/^Content-[lL]ength: (\d+)$/);
print $l;
# print STDERR "$$: Client went bang: $!\n" if($!);
print STDERR "$$ << $l" if($d);
print LOG "< $l" if($log);
&err("500 Internal Server Error","Blank document returned. ($!)")
print "Connection: close\r\n" unless($conn);
print $l;
$file=~m#^(.*/)[^/]+$#; $dir=$1;
print STDERR "$$: Saving $url\n" if($v);
if(! -e $dir)
system "mkdir -p $dir";
while(-e "$file.LOCK")
# Hmmm... already being pulled.
unlink "$file.LOCK" if(-M "$file.LOCK" > $deadlink);
sleep 3;
print OUT "$$\n";
$cachethis=0 unless( open(OUT,">$file") );
unlink "$file.lock" unless($cachethis);
$in=read SOCK, $buf, ($cont < 256 ? $cont : 256 );
$cont -= $in;
print $buf;
print OUT $buf if($cachethis);
# print STDERR "$$ << $buf" if($d);
print LOG "< $buf\n" if($log);
} else {
print OUT if($cachethis);
print LOG if($log);
unlink "$file.LOCK" if($cachethis);
print STDERR "$$: Done with $url\n" if($v);